Thursday, October 31, 2019
In depth analysis about article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
In depth analysis about article - Essay Example But at the same time, author’s view on internationalization is also pertinent because it helps the nations to maintain their autonomy vis-a-vis their fiscal policies and economic welfare and equitable distribution of wealth for the wider welfare of their people. The article emphasizes that globalization promotes economic integration across the globe through free trade and liberalization. It has resulted in diminishing national boundaries and brought in influx of foreign trade, both in term of goods and human capital. Daly believes that it undermines the national interests of the individual nations. But it nevertheless greatly facilitates the development process in the developing and under developed countries which need to be exposed to the opportunities for improving their standard of living. The developing world has indeed gained through globalization! Daly also asserts that internationalization would be more relevant because it helps to maintain national identity but promote s international relation through trade, treaties, alliances and protocols etc. The author has unconsciously supported the process of globalization in his emphasis for internationalization! When trade and business alliances are encouraged across nations, inter-dependency of economic units become vital ingredients of the developing relationship.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Statement of Intent describing the events and ideas which led to your Personal - 1
Of Intent describing the events and ideas which led to your interest in fashion marketing major - Personal Statement Example As a result my family always wanted me to pursue a career in economics so that I could oversee the running of our family businesses. However, I always had a strong desire to do fashion marketing ever since I was a small child. I always enjoyed fashion shows that used to be aired on TV (Easey 142). I thought my parents would discover my talent and encourage me to do fashion marketing after high school. Nevertheless, I had to join economics major in college since that is what my family desired for me. I also thought it was a good idea since I had a place to work once I graduated. Something very important happened in my life. I witnessed the strongest act of courage from a friend in school of pharmacy who woke up one day and decided that enough was enough. She could no longer continue pursuing a course in pharmacy against her desires. She transferred from pharmacy to fashion design. That was the day I made a solemn decision to follow the desires of my heart. I must admit that were it not for her act of courage, I would never have made this decision. I have seen so many of my friends pursue careers simply because the careers are promising but not because they have passion for those careers. My friend’s act of courage made me change my priorities in life and take a course which my heart desires. She made me develop immeasurable interest in fashion marketing that I decided to drop a course in economics. I am now totally convinced that fashion marketing is what I want to do with my life and I am determined to give it my best. I believe that I will be successful in this field and more importantly, I will derive joy and happiness doing fashion marketing since it has always been my desire. I thank God for my friend who inspired me. I now have the chance to pursue my dream career. My friends act when she changed from pharmacy to fashion design really inspired me. She gave me a
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Pump Condition Monitoring Engineering Essay
The Pump Condition Monitoring Engineering Essay To avoid unplanned downtime, realize energy savings or other considerations, pump users require a method or tool to determine the appropriate time for overhaul of a pump. This method or tool is used by engineers in managing assets to provide capacity for production and energy efficiency to save operating expenses or even to minimize greenhouse impact. This optimization method can be applied to all items where deterioration results in equipment breakdowns or loss of efficiency. Pumps like any rotating machine tend to rotate in response to excitation forces like residual rotor unbalance, turbulence in liquid flow, pressure pulses, cavitations and wear of pump. If vibration frequencies and natural frequencies match, resonance occurs, amplifying the vibrations. This is a sufficient cause to damage pump components Why Pump Condition Monitoring is important: (Source Pumps are used at about 20% of the worlds most electrical power generating companies. about 7% of the worlds green houses gas productions. power and preservation usually covers more than 50% of Life sequence expenses. Statistics show that 20% or more of the energy devoted by pumping systems could be saved throughout equipment and control alters. Pumps are frequently considered critical mechanism of a process. Plant reliability is best possible when they are maintained on a regular basis or nonstop state monitoring. Performance based maintenance costs are considerably lesser than a schedule based costs. Hence it becomes very important to Condition Monitor the pumps. Chapter -2: Aim Objectives The object of this research study is to critically study Condition Monitoring of both, Centrifugal and axial pumps. That will include most important aspects like: Condition Monitoring and its Part in Maintenance Pump Performance and the Effect of Wear Performance Analysis and Testing of Pumps for Condition Monitoring Performance Analysis and its Application to Optimise Time for Overhaul Other Methods of Performance Analysis for Pump Condition Monitoring Vibration Analysis of Pumps Other Uses of Condition Monitoring Other Condition Monitoring Methods Positive Displacement Pumps Case Studies Chapter -3: Project plan Attached with this report Chapter -4: Introduction About Pumps Pumps are used to add energy to fluids. Generally it is done by using a rotating blade to force a fluid in a given direction. Classification of pumps: PUMPS Centrifugal Pumps Positive Displacement Pumps Radial Flow Pumps Axial Flow Pumps Reciprocating Pumps Rotary Pumps Gear Pumps Piston Pumps Progressive Cavity Pumps Plunger Pumps Screw Pumps Diaphragm Pumps Lobe Pumps [Figure-1: Different types of Pumps] a) Positive Displacement pumps: A positive displacement pump, as the name suggests, pushes a fluid by containing a fixed amount of it and then displacing the entire contained volume into the pipe. Positive displacement pumps produce a constant flow at any given speed and hence are called Constant Flow Machines. These are used for pumping fluids other than water. Following types of mechanism are used to displace the fluid: a1) Reciprocating Type: Reciprocating pumps are plunger pumps or diaphragm pumps. Diaphragm valves. Recently used for slurries treatment in plants, and are used to force dangerous, toxic materials. a2) Rotary Type: These pumps use rotation principle. These are mostly used in, oil burners, soaps, cosmetics, sugars, syrup, and molasses, as well in dyes, ink, bleaches, vegetable and mineral oils. Gear pump: Two gears rotates in a closely fitted casing. A common application of the gear pump is the engine oil pump in car engines. 3655-004-DFDC07E0 [Figure-2: Gear Pump] Progressing cavity type pump: These are applied for pumping sewage sludge contaminated with large particles. Helical shaped rotor is used. [Figure-3: Progressive Cavity Pump], (Image Source: Lobe Pumps: Fluid is passed between the rotors teeth and the volute chamber. lobethe [Figure-4: Lobe Pump] Screw Pumps: Screw pump transmits fluid into the spaces between the screw gears. screw23muthÄ ±s [Figure-5: Screw Pump] b) Centrifugal pump: They are widely used in general piping systems. These are used for pumping water in industry and constitute 75% of pumps installed b1) Radial Flow Pump In a Radial Flow pump, fluid is discharged in a direction perpendicular to the direction of intake or suction. The fluid flowing into the pump first makes contact with a spinning impeller. This deflects the fluid away from it. The fluid is pushed out through a circular casing around the impeller. In this case fluid pressure increased not the speed. Fluid is sucked into the pump along the axis of rotation of the impeller. It is accelerated in a perpendicular direction into a diffuser chamber. From here it is discharged into the outlet pipe. Centrifugal pumps are applied where there is small head and large discharge is required. These have high hydraulic efficiency. These are used in waste treatment plants. Screw type centrifugal pumps are very effective in sludge handling , comprising of fibrous elements and for handling sludge with up to 10% dry matter . centrifugalpumps11 [Figure-6: Centrifugal Pump] (Image source : b2) Axial flow pumps: In an axial pump, the discharge and suction are both in the same direction. Flow is along the axis of the blade. Axial pumps are used to increase of speed of fluid flow without increase of pressure. They have high flow rates and can operate at very low pressure. QZ-Axial-Flow-Pump [Figure-7:Axial Flow Pump] Chapter -5: Maintenance and Condition Monitoring: About Maintenance: The intention of performing maintenance is to provide optimum capacity of production at the lower cost. Maintenance should be preferred for reliability and not as repair. There are 4 Types of Maintenance, which are given below: (a) Preventive Maintenance: This type of maintenance prevents failure from occurring. It comprises of scheduled periodic maintenance checks. Such maintenance prevents breakdowns and ensures delay free functioning. The advantages of preventive maintenance include: Enhanced systems dependability. reduces cost of substitute. cuts system downtime. Better standby account management. (b) Corrective Maintenance: Maintenance performed to correct an error after a failure has occurred is corrective maintenance. The failed component may require restoration , repair or replacement. (c) Breakdown Maintenance: If a machine breaks down or malfunctions , breakdown maintenance is performed to return it to normal functioning. This is done by replacing or repairing parts. (d) Predictive Maintenance: This type of maintenance consists of methods of observing the condition of in service machines and thus predicting when maintenance is required to be performed. This method reduces costs as compared to preventive maintenance as tasks are only performed when necessary. Condition monitoring is a type of predictive maintenance. It involves prediction of condition of a machine by on monitoring its performance, statistical process control or equipment behaviour to detect defects at an early stage and rectify them, which could otherwise result in delays leading to unnecessary expenditure. Maintenance is performed while the machine/ equipment is in operating regularly , with little or no interruption in its functioning. The methods for detection of errors include infrared thermographs, circuit analysis, analysis of vibrations etc. Predictive Maintenance or Condition monitoring a smart way to reduce downtime and reduce cost. The fundamental purpose of maintenance is to contribute for profit objectives, by maximizing the production and safety of people and plant. This report will explore how maintenance should be used as a tool to keep pumps working to its optimum level. Condition based maintenance: Definition of Condition Monitoring: Condition monitoring is part of maintenance, not something done by experts from outside (Beebe, 2001) Signs of degradation are detected in operational equipment by monitoring the equipment through continuous inspection. Data collected is analysed , and a prediction is made for the duration in which a machine can run safely without failure. Condition Monitoring is the art of monitoring of the equipments health by taking simple measurements of the machine performance. It works the same as a Doctor checks (measure) the health by checking pulse, temperature, blood pressure etc of a person. If we measure the current draw and the outlet flow of a pump and find out that that the current draw was increasing while the outlet flow was decreasing, as compared to the previous months measurements, there are very good chances that the condition is deteriorating and that some maintenance was due for the pump, The scheduling of the monitoring is decided by the size of plan, ease of data collection etc. This may be done everyday, once a month or on an annual basis. Advanced technology may be used for condition monitoring. It may not be limited to Vibration sensors Infrared Thermographs Oil sensors Ultrasonic equipment Motor Current Analysis Pump life cycle costs Pump life cycle cost is defined as the sum of the commissioning cost, maintenance cost, running cost and decommissioning cost for the period of a pumps service life. Complete understanding of the pumps lifecycle cost helps us to radically reduce the energy consumed , thus greatly reducing the pumps environmental impact PLCC = Cin + Cins + Cpo + Cop + Cm + Cd + Cen + Cdc PLCC = life cycle cost Cin = initial costs, purchase price (pump, system, pipe, other services) Cins = installation and commissioning cost (including training) Cpo = power consumed costs Cop = operation costs Cm = maintenance and repair costs (routine and predicted repairs) Cd = delay costs (loss of production). Cen = environmental costs (contamination from pumped liquid ) Cdc = decommissioning (counting renovation of the home Environment) Maintenance Cost of a Pump in its Life Cycle: [Figure-8: Maintenance Cost] (Image Source: The costs for maintenance are dependent on the actual equipment involved , records can be consulted to make cost estimates. The annual cost has to include the following: Value of spare parts used. Charge for any third party work. plant employment. workplace charges. Normally Maintenance cost of a Pump within its life cycle is estimated 20%. Pump selection reliability factors Reliability of machines, has been increasingly debated in recent years . Low reliability of commonly used centrifugal pumps has been a focal point of this debate. Pump selection is very important its reliability. But it is not the only factor for reliable pump operation. Other critical installation parameters are also important. The main factor for enhanced reliability is selecting the right pump. Pump Selection The first step in pump selection is deciding the pump parameters. The head and capacity required have to be calculated. There are three major conditions related to reliability which affect selection; operating speed (FR), impeller diameter (FD) and flow rate (FQ). Operating Speed RPM (FR) Wear based on operating speed caused due to friction in rubbing contact surfaces like mechanical seals and shaft seals affects the reliability. Life of bearings and heat generated in bearings is another cause for lack of reliability. For all the above mentioned conditions wear has a linear relationship with the operating speed of the pump. Impeller Diameter (FD) The impeller exerts a significant load on the shaft and bearings . This directly affects the reliability of the pump. Two types of loads are produced; one is due to the non uniform pressure distribution in the casing, the second is due to the interaction between the blades of the impeller and the discharge. This second effect is extremely hazardous as it forces the seal faces to move away from each other repeatedly during each revolution. The intensity of this movement may be greater than steady deflection. There is a cubic proportionality between these loads and the impeller diameter. Flow Rate (FQ) The flow rate of a centrifugal pump is the best efficiency point or BEP. Pumps are designed in such a way that they are most reliable only at a given flow rate for a specific operating speed and impeller diameter. The loads exerted on impeller at this flow rate are minimised. If the flow rate is more or less than the BEP than the load intensity increases and there is turbulence in the rotation of the impeller. Such unpredictable loads share the same effects on reliability as the impeller/discharge loads discussed above. Pumps are examined to check the ability to withstand the effects of these impacts. The main parameters of the tests are: R.P.M. Impeller dimensions. Flow velocity. Pump shaft to motor alignment. N.P.S.H. Margin. Reliability Index (RI) The Reliability directory is shaped as a product of three factors: RI = FR x FD x FQ Values vary from zero to one; the higher the value the better the dependability is. Techniques of Condition Monitoring Vibration Monitoring Analysis: is commonly used as a Monitoring analysis. It helps to determine the structural stability in a system. It is best suitable for rotating machines like pumps. Vibration measuring instruments are used for measurement. The frequency of the vibrations are mapped. If a defect is present a particular frequency will be detected. Analysis made previously on existing equipment can be compared to analysis on new equipment. This data will give the condition of the equipment. vibration [Figure-9:Vibration Chart] (Source: Visual Inspection: Devices like mirrors, TV Camers are used for Visual inspection. Visual inspection in its most basic form may also be done by experienced inspectors and maintenance technicians. Causes of failure like cracks, leaks and corrosion can be detected and prevented. This is the cheapest form of condition monitoring. It also adds a sense of attachment between the equipment and the people who work on it. Only visual inspection technique is not enough. It should be augmented by other techniques. Performance Monitoring and Analysis: Analysis is done on usage of energy, as more energy usage means deteriorating condition of the machine. Performace can bne measured with parameters like Pressure, flow rate or temperature etc. Analysis of wear particles in lubricants or contamination of process fluid: This process gives advance warning than many other predictive maintenance methods. oilanalysis [Figure-10: Contamination of Process Fluid] (Source: Spectrographic oil analysis may be used to test the chemical composition of the oil. Chemical analysis of oil is carried out for appearance, density, viscosity, moisture content, mechanical impurities. High silicon content points to a presence of contamination of grit.. etc, and high iron levels indicate to tiring components. Independently, elements give reasonable indications, but when used together they can accurately determine the failure modes, e.g. for internal combustion engines, the presence of iron/alloy, and carbon would indicate damaged piston rings. (Source: Ferrous and non ferrous particles in the lubricant may be detected by wear debris detection sensors which can give a warning if the condition of the equipment deteriorates. This system prevents failure in machines like gearboxes , turbines, pumps etc. Ultrasonic Analysis: Time and frequency data from ultrasonic tests can reveal a lot on the health of a machine. Portable ultrasonic testing equipment is now a common tool for noticing leaks, testing steam traps, finding cavitations, bearing condition testing and toughness testing. What are Ultrasound Signals? Ultrasound refers to noise of frequency beyond the range of the human ear. For detecting airborne leaks, the frequency at which the most sound is produced by an unstable leak is 38.4 kHz. There are instruments, which listens to this frequency to detect leaks. Electronics processing is required to make ultrasound audible. This is done filtering of frequencies. Why Record Ultrasound Signals? Judgment, Trending, verification of analysis. Guidance of Maintenance observers. Examination of low speed bearings. Investigation of electrical defects. Inspecting of steam traps. Analysis of reciprocating compressors. How to Record Ultrasound Signals? Regulates rise of detector. Corrects level of recording device. Spins Auto Gain Control . Records the signal and transfer to PC. Opens signals in computer for laboratory analysis. The classic time signal for a bearing defect gives a goldfish envelope like this:. (Thomas J. Murphy) ultrasound_analysis_07 [Figure-11:Ultra sound signals] Infrared Thermography Temperature is the best indicator of the state of a machine. One can check the temperature of any surface and determine the condition of a machine.. Infrared Thermography is an inspection technique which gives accurate, reliable and correct temperature outline of any material exterior without getting in touch with the surface. The essential perceptive of thermography is that every object produces certain amount of Infrared energy and the intensity of this radiation is a task of temperature, hence by measuring infrared radiation, temperature of surface can be calculated. (Garnaik) Infrared thermography is a fast and secure way of detecting imperfections in different conditions. Infrared cameras can be used to detect increases in temperature that indicate latent problems. These may increase the temperature of electrical contacts or insulators. IR thermography can easily be carried out during normal operation of equipment as it is non contact. This reduces downtime. Advantages Disadvantages of IR Thermography Following are advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Advantages : à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is a non-contact type technique, and modern Infrared camera can be used . à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It is Fast, reliable accurate output. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Time required to measure large surface area is very less. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The output can be presented in visual digital form. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Since the output can be presented in visual form, there is little skill required for monitoring. Disadvantages : à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Instrument cost is very high. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ This technique is used to work out the temperature of surface. It is unable to detect the inside temperature Noise monitoring Noise level are taken every month at designated locations. Steps for implementation of Condition Monitoring Technique for Pumps Selection of equipment Selection of parameters / probe Selection of monitoring frequency Preparation of schedule Preparation of database. Actual monitoring and analysis Selection of monitoring frequency Daily (for critical equipments) Fortnightly (for sub critical equipments).) [Figure-12: Condition Monitoring Steps] Benefits of Condition monitoring Condition monitoring has become a proven method and has become essential part of industries as companies has proven its cost benefits. Condition monitoring gives early detection of wear out/damage. Condition Monitoring people tour the plant and picks up developing faults Deterioration is detected in time and repairs are scheduled. It minimises unnecessary shutdown and opening up of plant Cost of labour, material and loss of production is saved More satisfying work of maintenance, less effect of errors because of direct feedback of quality work. Judicious use of Condition monitoring can yield 10 to 20 times the initial outlay within first year (IK Dept trade Industry report, maintenance to late 1990s) Condition monitoring reassurance of safe continued operation(and vary effective when nursing on plant to a suitable maintenance opportunity) Condition Monitoring saves cost reduce spare usage and lower insurance. Cost Savings from Condition Monitoring A Quick cost saving estimate is made to calculate the cost saving easily. Quick cost saving estimate at each inspection saves delays. For example, a coupling is found broken and approximate to cause about 2 hours of delay leads to an unplanned maintenance job. The calculation: Cost A: If the coupling broke down without warning: Delay * Cost of Delay/hr + Direct maintenance cost (unplanned Unscheduled) + Potential damages Cost B: Maintenance during scheduled shutdown. Actual cost of maintenance: Delay (if any should be fixed in scheduled shutdown) * Cost of Delay/hr + direct maintenance cost (planned scheduled) + Damages(= 0) . A- B = Cost saving, which may be as high as thousands of Dollars Following is a Case study of Qatar Petroleum, which shows a huge saving of costs because of Condition Monitoring: Case Study: 141. K0302 FLUE GAS FAN Current Drawn before balancing the Fan: 83 Ampere Current drawn post balancing the fan : 76 Ampere Net Current reduction: 7 Amps (Hourly Average) Power Saving = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡3 x V x I x Cos  ¢ à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡3 x 11 x 7 x 0.85 KWh Annual Cost Savings = 113.3X0.081X24X365 (Power Cost = 0.081QR/Kwh) = 80393 QR/Year Last Six Months Predicted Failures at Qatar Petroleum Standards used for condition monitoring (Source: ISO 13381-1:2004 provides guidance. The basic purpose is to: Let the clients, manufacturers of condition monitoring and diagnostics systems to share general thoughts in the fields of machinery error analysis. Allow users to determine the essential information, characteristics and behaviour necessary for accurate estimate. Outlines an appropriate approach to predict development. Introduces predictions concepts in order to ease the development of future systems and training. ISO 18436-6:2008: Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Prognostics Part 1: General guidelines ISO 18436-6:2008 states the needs for qualification and evaluation of personnel who perform machinery condition monitoring and diagnostics using acoustic production. A certificate or declaration of conformity to ISO 18436-6:2008 will provide credit of the qualifications and ability of individuals to perform acoustic production measurements and analysis machinery condition monitoring using acoustic emission equipment. This procedure may not apply to particular equipment or other explicit situations. ISO 18436-6:2008 specifies a three class classification programme. ISO 18434-1:2008 provides an introduction to the application of infrared thermography (IRT) to machinery condition monitoring and diagnostics, where machinery includes machine auxiliaries such as valves, fluid and electrically powered machines, and machinery-related heat exchanger equipment. In addition, IR applications pertaining to machinery performance assessment are addressed. ISO 18434-1:2008: introduces the terminology of IRT as it pertains to state checking and diagnostics of machines; explains the types of IRT procedures and their qualities; provides leadership on establishing cruelty appraisal criteria for anomalies identified by IRT; outlines methods and requirements for carrying out IRT of machines, including safety suggestions; provides information on data understanding, and appraisal criteria and reporting requests; provides measures for determining and compensating for reflected obvious temperature, emissivity, and attenuating media. ISO 18434-1:2008 also includes testing procedures for determining and recompense a reflected obvious temperature, emissivity, and attenuating media when measuring the exterior temperature of an aim with a quantitative IRT camera. ISO 18436-3:2008: Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel Part 3: Requirements for training bodies and the training process ISO 18436-3:2008 defines the requirements for operating training programmes for personnel who carry out machinery condition monitoring, recognize machine faults, and propose corrective action. Procedures for training of condition monitoring and diagnostic personnel are specified. ISO 18436-7:2008 : Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel Part 7: Thermography ISO 18436-7:2008 specifies the requirements for qualification and assessment of personnel who perform machinery condition monitoring and diagnostics using infrared thermography. An official document or declaration of conventionality to ISO 18436-7:2008 will provide recognition of the qualifications and competence of individuals to do thermal measurements and investigate machinery condition monitoring using moveable thermal imaging equipment. This procedure may not apply to particular equipment or other precise situations. ISO 18436-7:2008 specifies a three category classification programme. ISO 13373-1:2002 : Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Vibration condition monitoring Part 1: General procedures ISO 13373-2:2005 : Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Vibration condition monitoring Part 2: Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data ISO 13373-2:2005 recommends actions for dealing out and presenting vibration data and analysing vibration signatures for the reason of monitoring the vibration state of rotating machinery, and performing diagnostics as suitable. Different methods are described for different applications. Signal improvement techniques and analysis methods used for the investigation of exacting machine dynamic phenomena are included. Many of these techniques can be applied to other machine types, as well as reciprocating machines. Example formats for the parameters that are commonly plotted for valuation and diagnostic purposes are as well given. ISO 13373-2:2005 is divided basically into two essential approaches when analysing vibration signals; the time domain and the frequency domain. Some approaches to the modification of diagnostic results, by changing the operational circumstances, are also covered. Pump Performance and the Effect of Wear Pumps wear as they are used but their efficiency can be maintained by Condition monitoring and accordingly refurbishment: [Figure-13: Effect of wear on pump characteristics] Source: (European commission Joint Research Center) [Figure-14: Average wear trends for maintained and unmaintained pumps] Source: (European commission Joint Research Center) Effect of internal wear on pump performance The effect of Internal wear on pump is dependent on type of Pump . Slurry pumps are Designed to cope with erosive liquids. Total operating cost can be reduced by improving wear life. Wear is increased by High Velocity, large solid size and high concentration. Chapter -6: Performance Analysis and Testing of Pumps for Condition Monitoring The aims of testing a systems pump performance are to: Record system pumps performance. Verifying the impeller size at present installed in the pump. Launch the system curve for the pumping system. Establish the operating point of the pump; i.e. the point where the pumps impeller curve intersects the system curve with the discharge valve throttled and with the discharge valve fully open. Measures the match between full flow flow delivered by the pump with the discharge valve fully open and the real plan flow requirement. Considers the implications of throttled discharge valves and opportunities to open discharge valves and adjust pump performance by means of trimming the impeller, changing the motor to get an incremental motor/pump speed change or installing a VFD to change the motor/pump speed to a non-incremental value. The objective of all of these modification techniques is to provide design flow without the head forced by the throttled valve. As a consequence, the system will advantage from reduced pump energy use and operating costs. Considers the flow variations produced in the system as different active elements are repositioned by their control processes. becomes aware of and make a diagnosis of other control or performance problems. Performance analysis needs performing data Temperature Pressure Flow Speed Power Efficiency Calculation [Figure-15: Pumps in System and relationship to Condition Monitoring] Chapter -7: Performance Analysis and its Application to Optimize Time for Overhaul The head test at Duty Point Like it is known that condition monitoring is used as a tool for Predicting maintenance requirements of pumps. The Head Flow examination is the essential way can be used to inspect assumed poor performance. ( Head flow measurement is a useful type of condition monitoring because it checks pump deterioration and also shows flaws in system resistance.. (Heinz P. Bloch) It is easier to determine the head. alter in volume according to the time can be easily measured if an appropriate vessel i
Friday, October 25, 2019
Choosing Between Graduate School and the Peace Corps Essay -- Personal
The Peace Corps is an organization of people who are America’s international helpers. This is a federal government program that was designed to bring about peace and hospitality to developing countries. This organization has a virtuous history of people of all race backgrounds and genders who come together to help others. The volunteers have no obligation toward the people of the world but they serve by their own intent as Americans and individuals. Volunteers who finish their service are of great character because they offer their own time to help those in need. They are the people with hearts and minds that are ready to give their energy to endure what situations that may rise in their service. However a person going into graduate school is different. Graduate school is for a serious minded student who knows what direction they want to follow in life. It is a decision of great commitment and it hard to keep. It is of great importance to some individuals to finish such a chal lenging process. Graduate school can be a gateway into internships and career opportunities into different work fields such as psychology. Graduate school and Peace corps are both where the mind, body and spirit are pushed into new areas of understanding. My question is should I go straight into graduate school or into the Peace Corps? â€Å"After earning a bachelor’s degree, an individual chooses from among the following options: enroll in graduate school either in the same or different academic field, enroll in a first-professional degree program, pursue foreign study, or work full-time†(Perna 489). The options for not going into any further education only seem to lead into working full time. Along with today’s uncertainty of already obtain bachelor degrees ... .... Peace Corps Volunteers, First. The Peace Corps Reader. 2. Washingtion: Quadrangke Books, 1967. Print. Perna, Laura W. "Understanding the Decision to Enroll in Graduate School: Sex and Racial/Ethnic Group Differences." Journal of Higher Education 75.5 (2004): 487- 527.Web. Quinn,Latasha.†Peace Corps Survey.†Survey.5 November 2011.web. . Reavis, Elizabeth. Personal Interview. 27 Oct.2011. Storti, Craig, Peace Corps, and Laurette Bennhold-Samaan.Culture Matters, The Peace Corps Cross-cultural Workbook. Washingtion: Peace Corps, 1997. Print. Tufts, James H. "American College Education and Life." Science 29.741 (1909): pp. 407-414. Web. Vasquez, Gaddi. A Life Inspired, Tales Of Peace Corps Service. U.S. govt. official ed. Washingtion: Peace Corps (U.S.), 2007. Print.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ecological Systems Theory Essay
As I was growing up, I always heard of the expression that â€Å"people are a product of their environment†. I never gave this expression much thought until I got older and became more aware of my surroundings and my own environment. Personally, I feel that there is some truth to this statement. A person’s environment is very influential to their development. A famous psychologist that studied child development, Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner, developed the ecological systems theory to show how a child’s development can be influenced by their environment. Dr. Bronfenbrenner felt that â€Å"a person’s development is the product of a constellation of forces-cultural, social, economic, political- and not merely psychological ones†(Fox, 2005, para 6). According to an article by Nancy Darling of Oberlin College, â€Å"Ecological Systems Theory is presented as a theory of human development in which everything is seen as interrelated and our knowledge of develo pment is bounded by context, culture, and history†(Darling, 2007, p. 204). The Ecological Systems Theory consists of five levels of the environment that are influential to a child’s development. These five levels are the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and the chronosystem. These five levels each contribute significantly and helps to mold an individual which can affect their personality, the way they think, and who they are as a person overall. The first level, the microsystem, consists of the immediate environment that the child is in on a daily basis (Oswalt, 2008). The microsystem would include a child’s immediate family, teachers, neighbors, daycare, school, and peers or anyone who a child or individual interacts with directly on a daily basis. The microsystem is important to a child’s development because if the environment they are around on a daily basis is stable, nurturing, and caring, then that child will likely model the same behavior. However, if the child is in an environment where they are neglected and abused or see violence, this can have an influence on their behavior and cause them to become affected by this negative environment. For example, if a child is surrounded by a family who is violent and does not pay much attention to their needs, neighbors that use profanity, and aggressive peers, then this child is exposed to more negative than positive behaviors. This can cause the child to model what they are exposed to, which is negativity. However, if the same child is in an environment where the family is nurturing, the teachers are welcoming and encourage learning, and its’ peers display positive social skills, then the child is exposed to positive behavior and is more likely to display positive behavior than negative. This level is closest to the child and is the most influential level of the ecological system (Paquette & Ryan, 2001). The next level of the ecological systems theory is the mesosystem. The mesosystem consists of how the people in the child’s microsystem interact with each other. The mesosystem is the connection, or the relationship, between the parents and the teachers or the child and their peers, to name a few. For example, if the child’s parents have a good relationship with his or her teacher and are involved with their education, this can help encourage learning and promote good behavior and good grades at school. If the parents are not involved at school and do not interact with the child’s teacher regularly, the child may feel as if education is not important and may display poor behavior and grades at school, which affects their learning. The ecological systems theory also includes the exosystem. The exosystem consists of people that the child may not interact with on a daily basis but still has an influence on that child such as their neighbors, a coach, a preacher. The exosystem could also consist of situations that may happen to the parents that indirectly affects the child such as promotions or layoffs at work. A promotion or layoff at work determines how the child will be taken care of and impacts their physical needs (Oswalt, 2008). This type of situation can be either negative or positive for the child. A preacher or a coach can be looked upon as a role model or mentor to the child and can be very influential to a child and their development. The last two levels of the ecological systems theory are the macrosystem and the chronosystem. The macrosystem consists of cultures, values, and laws. The macrosystem â€Å"describes the culture in which individuals live†(Santrock, 2007). The macrosystem has much to do with what is going on in society and how it affects the child. For example, a recession, a war, how society views gender roles, and the child’s family values, can all greatly affect the development of a child. This can influence how a child feels about the government, its views on war, or what the child grows up to value. The chronosystem is life events that can alter or change how the child feels about certain things or situations. For example, any transition such as a death of a parent, a birth of another child, or a divorce can change the views of a child. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of development has helped to shape my development because as I was a young child, my parents were affectionate and nurturing towards myself and my siblings, we were raised in a positive, stable, and structured environment, and my parents supported a good education and were involved with our teachers in school. The way my parents raised me has helped me to become a great mother to my son. I try to make sure that the people in his microsystem that he deals with directly are positive in order to help him develop and grow into a positive individual. I consider myself to be nurturing and supportive towards my son. We have a good relationship and I try to raise him a positive environment as well. I instill in him, the values that my parents instilled in me. Since my levels in the ecological system were positive as I was growing up, I feel that it has influenced me to become a well-rounded individual. It has helped me to have morals, values, and sel f-respect. The levels in my ecological system have influenced me to value education and to want to pursue an education on the graduate level. Because I take my role as a mother seriously, I want to offer my son the best life possible. This means that I have to be a great provider for him, which includes having a stable job that pays well and working in a career that I enjoy. I have always enjoyed learning about child development and I currently work with children in the mental health field. Obtaining a master’s degree will help me to be able to develop and grow personally and more professionally so that I can be a better provider for my family as well as get a job in the field that I wish to pursue. My career goals include working with children and adolescents either in the school system, as a child psychologist or social worker, or in the juvenile justice field. In the future, I hope to continue working with children directly, as a part of their microsystem, in order to make a differenc e and be a positive influence to them, as individuals in my microsystem were to me. So, is it safe to say that â€Å"people are a product of their environment?†I think Dr. Urie Bronfenbrenner did a good job of showing that this can be true by developing the ecological systems theory. However, we still have to be aware of the fact that although a child’s environment is very influential to their development, they have the power to change, or transition, their thoughts and beliefs. We must remember that a person’s beliefs systems can also be affected by experiences and situations that they encounter throughout life. So, yes our environment is very influential to our development, but we do not have to be a product of our environment since we are able to make changes within ourselves to become who we want to be. References Darling, N. (2007). Ecological Systems Theory: The Person in the Center of the Circles. p. 204. Retrieved December 20, 2012 from Fox, M. (2005). Urie Bronfenbrenner; renowned authority on child development. New York Times News Service. Retrieved December 20, 2012 from Oswalt, A. (2008). Urie Bronfenbrenner and Child Development. Retrieved December 21, 2012 from Paquette, D. & Ryan, J. (2001). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Retrieved December 20, 2012 from Santrock, J. (2007). Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory. Retrieved December 20, 2012 from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Critical Review of Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Essay
A Critical Review of Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction Pamela D. McKoy Liberty University Abstract This critical review will attempt to summarize the book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†written by, Dr. Mark R. Laaser. Highlighting all the central themes and giving an in-depth analysis of Dr. Laaser’s work on the subject of sexual addiction. It will give his perspective and evidence to support it from the book and other sources. In this review you will find that Dr. Laaser has added valuable insight to the subject on a personal level. It will also show how Dr. Laaser’s faith comes into play, being that the book is written from a Christian point of view using a Biblical worldview. This review will show that the book can and should be used by lay and professionals alike when dealing with those who suffer from the pain and sin of sexual addiction. Keywords: sexual addiction, worldview Summary Dr. Mark Lasser’s book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†gives hope for those who are in the throes of sexual addiction and those who suffer with them. Laaser feels that this book is important because of the pain and desperation that he experienced from sexual addiction; he now wants to share what he has learned about the power of the Lord and healing. In this book he relates how sexual addiction has grown to epidemic proportions (Laaser, 2004, pp.17). The internet has been the source of much of that growth, with a bevy of materials of a sexual nature being readily available to everyone with computer access. The internet has just what they are looking for in the form of pornography for sexual gratification and release. Those who are not seeking this are also bombarded with unwanted pop-ups advertising sexual related materials. Mark Laaser writes about the secret sin, it is one often times not seen or heard, sexual addiction. He feels that it starts in childhood continuing into adolescence, where it is most time seen as a normal developmental phase. When the person reaches adulthood untreated it becomes worse over time, if left along it could lead to death. He feels that it is an addictive disease that has been around since the beginning of time. It has been misnamed and has gone undiagnosed for centuries, there still is a few who does not believe in its existence (Lasser, 2004, pp.15). With this book Laaser hopes to address this issue with Christians, bringing to the forefront a problem that has plagued the Christian community for hundreds of years (Lasser, 2004, pp.16). This is problem that has been whispered about, causing many to leave their faith and seek other means of peace. There is much shame and disgrace for the person and their family, so it is hidden from all. With sound help and education th e healing process starts. Major themes of â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†are listed below with explanation: Part 1: What is Sexual Addiction? Here you will find that sexual addiction is a sin. That fantasy, pornography and masturbation are building block behaviors. The types of sexual addiction: cyber, prostitution, rape and incest etc. Understanding and identifying characteristics of sexual addiction. Part 2: The Roots of Sexual Addiction (how and why) sexual addiction happens. Unhealthy family dynamics: boundaries, rules, roles and addictions Family abuse: emotional, physical, sexual and spiritual How sex addicts cope with abuse: escape and codependency Part 3: Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction The journey of healing Confronting the sex addict: one on one intervention and group intervention Treatment issues in sexual addiction Healing for couples: important and critical issues that face couples Part 4: Healing the Wounds of the Church Sexually addicted Pastors and priests: characteristics of their sexual addiction Healing for the congregations: primary victims and secondary victims (Lasser, 2004) The information provided in this book is a detailed look at the problem of addiction and the hope of recovery. Laaser wrote this book to educate the church (Laaser, 2004, pp.223). Analysis Mark Laaser’s point of view is one that comes from suffering from the secret sin of sexual addiction and being a Christian enjoying the life of recovery. He approaches this subject with a Biblical worldview, this is appropriate because we all fall short with sin. God offers help with His Word to break free of addiction in 1 Corinthians, 6:18 it said â€Å"Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but that he committeth fornication sinneth against his own body (Bible KVJ). In the book â€Å"Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction†he exhibits his faith for the readers to see. This in turn makes the Christian comfortable enough to read the text and get an understanding. Many experts have found that 10% of Christians in America are sexually addicted. If this is a fact then a congregation with 500 members would mean that 50 of them are sex addicts. Experts say that the percentages are on the rise. Two-thirds of all Christian men admitted to watching pornography as well as 40% of Pastors (Laaser, 2004, pp.15). The church can no longer ignore this problem, families cannot duck in shame this has to be addressed and this book is Mark Laaser’s way of doing just that. Laaser knows that there is no cure for sexual addiction but expresses that it is an ongoing process on a day to day basis. That this is a healing process not a cure, addicts must deal with their demons and have a Spiritual healing (Laaser, 2004, pp.223). This Spiritual healing is part of the process that Laaser writes about within the church and the part that they should play. The role of the Christian community is one of healing and hope for those sexually addicted. The church should create an environment of safety, welcome and honesty for them, since sexual addiction is one of loneness. Sexually addicted people need to be held accountable this is another role of the church (Hinson, 2009, pp.53). All these views are shared by Laaser and many others in the Christian community. This is strong evidence that Laaser is on track with this book and his ideas. When researched â€Å"sexual addiction in the Christian community†you will find that Laaser is a resounding voice which is use often and his views shared by many. Laaser said to provide support for the sexually addicted is not easy but very doable . To help the individual, he promotes giving them the help to overcome inappropriate coping mechanism and behaviors. Compassion and empathy must be present in those giving the help. When dealing with the addicted person, we cannot be judgmental or make assumptions about them, but give them what God gave us, love and acceptance. Laaser writes that the addict needs to want to get well before you attempt to help them. Then you must establish accountability for the addict, a Spiritual journey of rebirth is required to let old sin and self pass away to be able to experience a new life. This is a long process one that takes a life time of being ever watchful of your actions. Laaser outlines individual and group addiction intervention strategies that are based on a Biblical model of discipline in the Gospel in the book of Matthew. This model targets the building blocks of addiction with a 90 day abstinence contract in force (Laaser, 2004. pp.149). The outcome depends totally on the work that the addict puts into they can heal if they desire it. This book is written in a straight forward manner it pulls no punches and the reader is pulled into the commentary. This is an excellent book for those in need of information pertaining to sexual addiction and how to recover from it. The reader can almost feel the care and love that went into writing the book even if they are not Christian. Conclusion With much research, I have concluded that Laaser is on to something that is heaven sent and wonderful in the field of sexual addiction. He lays his faith and innermost thoughts out for all to see, you can see the care that he took with this book. He writes from the left side of addiction as a person who has been there and knows what it takes to heal. A passive approach is not the way that gives us this book nor should we use it passively. The information provided in this book is factual. I have a friend who has suffered the hurt of sexual addiction and Laaser’s books and model were used in her treatment. You could honestly see the rebirth she had over a course of a year. This works and I personally would recommend anyone who is suffering or in the field to buy it and keep it close. I feel also that sexual addiction is as a disease where alcoholism was 50 years ago. This is not even listed as a condition in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Experts are not in agreement that problematic sexual behaviors should be classified as an addiction. They all seem to agree with Laaser that the behaviors are about shame and low self-esteem. I feel that Laaser’s book takes the right tone and approach, one of love, concern and action to deal with the problem. This book is offering a solution to healing the healthy Godly way. I find that the Spiritual aspects of the book to be for all who read it. When he relate the story about Nehemiah rebuilding Jerusalem after it was destroyed, I saw the correlation of sexual addiction destroying lives both to be rebuilt by the Lord. All I all it will be my go to book in my professional career and I will present it to the church as a tool of guidance for those in need. References Laaser, R. M., (2004) Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction. Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530 Hinson, W. R. & Parker, D., (2009) Sexual Addictions: Problems and solutions for the Christian community, 17, 1, Art, 12, Leaven
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