Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Discourse On Metaphysics Essay Example For Students
Talk On Metaphysics Essay In the Discourse on Metaphysics by Leibniz he propose that, â€Å"we keep up that everything that is to happen to some individual is as of now contained practically in his tendency or thought, as properties of a circle are contained in its definition.†This statement raised a trouble for Leibniz. This trouble was that â€Å"human opportunity will not hold anymore, and that a flat out casualty would control over the entirety of our activities just as over the remainder of what occurs in the world.†With such a reality there would be no utilization with the expectation of complimentary will and whatever destiny capitulates an individual is the desire of the Most High; as it were, being ordained. In any case, for Leibniz, this isn't the decided truth of mankind. Leibniz affirms, that it is God and just God, who has the understanding of keeps an eye on most noteworthy reality. Furthermore, man can't infer all of what he is, and is to turn into. For no one but God can predic t his destiny. Leibniz propose it is the ideal and great result, that God has arranged for every person; and it is dependent upon every individual to satisfy that expected end. This likely end (which God just knows every conceivable result), is accomplished through the individual creation free choices and deciding her destiny. God announces just the absolute best conceivable result for humankind, and this thought is woven inside the grandiose embroidered artwork of the human brain (from the earlier). Despite the fact that this is the declaration of God, that lone the absolute best conceivable reality will be for humanity; the blemished is conceivable. For Leibniz states, â€Å"as I have just stated, despite the fact that God’s decision of the best is sure, that doesn't keep the less flawless from being and staying conceivable in itself, in spite of the fact that it won't happen; for it isn't its difficulty however its blemish which makes God dismiss it.†Therefore, jus t the absolute best result is to be for a person. These results and future results of life are based off the intrinsic idea of the person. What's more, the individual will pick the most ideal result of every single imaginable result for her life. For God wills it so. This being things being what they are, what makes up the idea of an individual who decides to see and know God, versus, the individual who decides to carry on with his life deliberately seeing a reality without God? This individual who decides not to know God, prevents the presence from securing such a Being. In the event that God proclaims the absolute best result for man, for what reason would such a thought or nature be made and showed inside that person? Since at that point, the individual just has the absolute best potential results of perpetual potential results inside the limits of his inborn nature; which isn't to know the Divine Creator. This being simply the situation, he sentences as indicated by the sacred w ritings. In endeavoring to uncover understanding upon the initial segment of this two-crease question, one should initially recognize the significance of human instinct. As indicated by the definitive assessment of The Random House College Dictionary human instinct is characterized as; â€Å"the mental and social characteristics that portray mankind.†In evaluating the mental and social characteristics of humankind, it was anything but difficult to wind up devoured inside the immensity of characteristical characteristics for which mankind has been invested. These characteristics extend from numbness to information; misery to euphoria; from incontinence to poise; desire to tirelessness; unfairness to equity; from malignance to sympathy, and other mental and social quality which fall under these points of interest. Consequently, human instinct comprise of a nearly endlessness measure of conceivable mental and social characteristics. It likewise shows up as though nobody quality has any p ervasiveness over another quality in agreement to its effect upon the human condition. It appears as that during childbirth these characteristics are as of now present, however unexpressed. These characteristics keep on being unexpressed, ‘less conditions and experience summon and create them as the kid gets more seasoned. One can not be instructed to feel satisfaction or distress. Nor can the idea of desire be pushed onto the human spirit as a shroud is put upon the individual who is to wear it. It must be inside the spirit intrinsic, from the earlier, lying lethargic, and anticipating improvement. Presently maybe this is a potential motivation behind why Leibniz propose â€Å"that everything that is to happen to some individual is as of now contained for all intents and purposes in his nature.†For this individual’s human instinct has an interminability of conceivable mental and social characteristics; which gives him an unending number of potential real factors to live out, contingent on the characteristics of his inclination. In moving toward the initial segment of the inquiry, (what makes up the idea of an individual who decides to see and know God, versus, the individual who decides to carry on with his life intentionally seeing a reality without God?), it is seen that an individual’s nature is comprised of a countless measure of characteristics, going from that of the celestial to the profane. Destitute Books EssayBut on the opposite finish of this range, there are impossible to miss discoveries. In addressing other people who didn't declare to want to know God, some talked about a comparative nature and life to the individuals who professed to know and look for God. They didn't wind up attacked by the torments depicted previously. What's more, on the off chance that they experienced any torments or had those characteristics all through their regular day to day existences, it was of a gentle way; not the slightest bit constraining them to look for a celestial impact. The individuals who looked for God, talked about preliminaries that they had understanding, yet inside these preliminaries there was a feeling of harmony and solace as they moved in the direction of God. In a similar regard, the individuals who don't affirm God, can locate this equivalent since of harmony and solace by going to other people or their different loves and interests of life. The capacity to cooper ative with the individuals who have risen above this plain of presence can't be inspected and taken in to thought. For on the off chance that it were achievable, maybe light could then be shed upon whether the individuals who decided not to know God, sought Him since they were presently tormented, and just could seek after one more opportunity, as they were leaving this world. Since that is certifiably not a current chance, the staying comparable discoveries must be considered. These likenesses raise a perplexing inquiry. Are the natures of one who picks God and one who doesn't pick God the equivalent? Considering the proof of such a reality in the above, taking everything into account one can say that they are the equivalent in nature. This abnormal, however charming finding brings cause for more profound examination. On the off chance that the idea of each individual is apparently comparable in its huge vastness of potential characteristics, at that point one must gander at what i mprovement lies between one who picks God and on who doesn't pick God. The primary and most critical distinction between them is simply the decision. At that point fundamentally, it has nothing to do truly with the idea of the individual, yet the decision that she makes about the relationship she will have with God. This carries the examination to the second piece of the two-overlap question. In the event that God announces the absolute best result for man, for what reason would such an idea or nature (a nature of an individual who doesn't pick God) be made and showed inside that person? Indeed, it must be recommended that the nature every individual is given has a similar possible mental and social characteristics of one another. This has gotten apparent. Leibniz states in his talk that, God gives every individual a nature that has just the ideal result proposed. In this way, you will be given the best end pending on what characteristics you are slanted to pick. On the off chance t hat one decides to know God, she will get a real existence that is entirely befitting of that decision. All the potential and potential conditions, encounters, and ends will be in the considerations of God, and may be uncovered to the person in a limited manner, however she has it completely inside her. Also, much the same as the individual who has picked God, the individual who has not picked God will get her ideal result. On the off chance that it is to be an existence of torment and enduring, this is the ideal and great life as per the decisions she makes slanted by her tendency. Hence it tends to be expressed, that the mental and social characteristics of human instinct are the equivalent. This being along these lines, it is the decision one makes that decides whether God will be looked for after or not. The ideal end is proclaimed by God. It is the duty of the individual, what life way he will take as indicated by his slanting nature. The decision is surrendered over to the per son. Furthermore, the decision concerning this matter of God, can without much of a stretch be summarized in Blaise Pascal’s bet; it is possible that you decide for God, or you don't decide for God. Be that as it may, as destiny regards it, as you are conceived, so should you choose!!!! Theory
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essentials of management information system - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Talk about the Essentials of the executives data framework. Answer: Presentation In the cutting edge times it has gotten basic for the organizations to ensure that they direct their tasks by assessing the earth where they work together. It is likewise basic for the organizations to make their arrangements and strategies as needs be with the goal that they can accomplish a drawn out development. It is likewise to be comprehended that opposition inside the enterprises have gone merciless, henceforth organizations need to build up their techniques in like manner. It is additionally fundamental for the firm to ensure that they figure an unmistakable vision and strategic, set their destinations sagaciously. It helps organizations a specific way. There are a few factors that are affecting the inward and outer condition of the organization. This report features the outer condition for the two organizations, to be specific Toyota Global and Digi media transmission. It additionally incorporates the examination between the outside condition and the strategic vision of both the organizations. Digi Telecommunications Digi Telecommunications is a Malaysian open organization which was established in the year 1995 by Morton Karlsen headquartered in D'House, Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Shah Alam, and Selangor. The significant results of Digi media transmission are Telecommunication Services, Mobile Services and Cable Television (Bloomberg, 2018). Strategic the Company Digi interchanges deliversInternet for allas some portion of our responsibility to building an associated Malaysia - empowering access to versatile internet providers and applications by offering clients the correct blend of gadgets and worth valuing, bolstered by a proficient activity that brings best use understanding (Digi, 2016). Vision of the Company The vision of Digi Telecommunication is to be the No.1 portable internet service for the mass market. We want to be the wellspring of rousing web content that is irresistible and locks in. Keep Promises We take possession for conveying on our objectives and obligations, and highly esteem driving quality into all that we do. Make it simple We focus on effortlessness in the manner we work, and in offering items and administrations that are straightforward and simple to utilize. Be aware We are receptive and proficient in our direct, and acknowledge contrasts in societies, suppositions, and standpoint. Be Inspiring We bring enthusiasm, vitality, and innovativeness into all that we do, and bend over backward to continually drive change and ceaseless improvement (Digi, 2016). Business Strategy of the Company Our reaction to the quickly developing advanced world is an unmistakable procedure to change our business and take the essential computerized jumps to enhance and advance around what our clients progressively need. As it were, to turn into our clients most loved accomplice in computerized life. We accept our very much characterized procedure for long haul gainful development will make new open doors in advanced as we keep on conveying the basics on which our business is based on. Our reasonable future-forward activities positions Digi well to contend, develop and outpace this new information driven computerized world, and keep us in front of our industry. (Digi, 2016). On a similar site page Digi Telecommunications determines the 4 parts of its procedure: Turning out to be ourCustomers most loved accomplice Being aMost effective administrator PracticingResponsible business lead Building aWinning Team Toyota Global Toyota Global is a Private Motor organization which was built up in the year 1937. Its headquarter is in Japan and was established by Takeshi Uchiyamada. The primary results of this organization are Automobiles, extravagance vehicles, business vehicles and motors. Strategic the Company Respect the language and actual purpose of the law of each country and attempt open and reasonable business exercises to be a decent corporate resident of the world. Regard the way of life and customs of each country and add to monetary and social improvement through corporate exercises in their particular networks. Commit our business to giving spotless and safe items and to upgrading the personal satisfaction wherever through the entirety of our exercises. Make and create trend setting innovations and give extraordinary items and administrations that satisfy the necessities of clients around the world. Encourage a corporate culture that upgrades both individual innovativeness and the estimation of collaboration, while regarding shared trust and regard among work and the board. Seek after development through congruity with the worldwide network by means of creative administration. Work with colleagues in research and assembling to accomplish steady, long haul development and shared advantages, while keeping ourselves open to new associations (Toyota, 2018). Sakichi Toyoda, the Founder of Toyota referenced the significant standards. Continuously be devoted to your obligations, in this manner adding to the organization and to the general great. Continuously be contemplative and inventive, endeavoring to remain in front of the occasions. Continuously be down to earth and maintain a strategic distance from silliness. Continuously endeavor to manufacture a homelike environment at work that is warm and cordial. Continuously have regard for otherworldly issues, and make sure to be thankful consistently. Vision of the Company On its Website, Toyota explains about its vision. We can peruse the accompanying articulation: Endeavoring to make extraordinary earth-accommodating items for maintainable development, Toyota respects the laws, customs and societies everything being equal. Toyota willlead the wayto thefuture of mobility,enriching lives around the worldwith the most secure and most dependable methods of moving individuals. Through ourcommitment to quality,constant innovationandrespect for the planet,we point toexceed expectationsand berewarded with a grin. We will meet ourchallenging goalsby connecting with the ability and enthusiasm of people,who accept there isalways a superior way. Toyota utilizes the tree representation to disclose to its partners how it directs its business in todays setting. The picture of a tree has been utilized to represent the Toyota Vision from roots to organic products. The tree is an image of common quality. It is valuable and dependable, something that keeps on developing and prosper a seemingly endless amount of time after year. The Toyota standards are spoken to as the roots since all that we do as an organization must develop from the establishment of our convictions. These roots bolster the storage compartment of the tree, which connotes the quality and security of our activities. From the storage compartment, the branches lead to the 12 principles that make up the Toyota vision - the products of the tree. The tree permits the entirety of this symbolism to be associated together, an analogy for how intently we at Toyota cooperate to make progress. At long last, the tree is set in a human domain, to help us to remember who we work for - our clients. The setting is general, to speak to our clients over the globe (Toyota, 2018). The twelve principles are: Lead the way: Toyota will be a leader. We will take advantage of lucky breaks and put resources into what's to come. Eventual fate of portability: Toyota will grow new types of transportation and seek after better approaches to associate innovation with individuals. Improving lives: Through the idea of monozukuri, Toyota will make employments, create individuals and add to society Most secure and most mindful methods of moving individuals: Safety is Toyotas number one need for our workers and our clients. Nothing is increasingly significant. Consistent development: Toyotas objective: Always better vehicles. We persistently rehash ourselves, present new advances and remain in front of our opposition. Surpass desires: Toyotas demeanor is to envision and convey to the necessities of those we serve. Remunerated with a grin: Customer fulfillment is best communicated with a grin. It advances a conduct of appreciation and gratefulness in all that we do. Testing objectives: Waved reach skyward and cooperate... that is what our identity is. Drawing in the ability and energy of individuals: The intensity of the association originates from the aptitude and assorted variety of our colleagues and colleagues... tackling issues and making new thoughts. There is consistently a superior way: The soul of kaizen... arriving at higher and provoking ourselves to locate a superior route in all that we do... each and every day ((Toyota, 2018). Business Strategy of the Company Toyota is a Japanese based car organization. The primary business methodology of the organization is to structure vehicles, including increasingly imaginative strategies. Toyota has just caught the market and individuals love its center item. They target presenting vehicles with extraordinary quality with the procedure that can undoubtedly be reasonable by the clients. They have low costs when contrasted with different vehicles. They accept that one must purchase vehicle for long haul and to concentrate on such conviction, they offer the best quality types of assistance (Pratap, 2017). For the most part, it happens that the organization adhere to the general guideline for the benefit for example Cost Price + Profit = Selling cost Be that as it may, Toyota targets concentrating on the thumb rule for example Selling value cost = Profit. This speaks to the best business technique that Toyota follows. They have additionally made a methodology to make their instructional hubs over the reality where they can prepare their representative and laborers about the developments and the strategies required to structure another vehicle (Laudon). Both these organizations have distinctive sort of crucial Visions for themselves. Digi media transmission has their crucial Vision arranged as a firm that communicates to accomplish a lot and become a market chief. Then again Toyota being a bigger firm expects to proceed with its prosperity direction which it has accomplished before. Strategic Vision of both the organizations represents about their situations in the market and what they focuses to accomplish from their activities. Large scale Environment and Porters Five Force Analysis of DIGI Telecommunication Digi media transmission is one of the greatest versatile specialist co-ops in Malaysia. It is the biggest shareholde
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Holidays with the Huangs
Holidays with the Huangs Ive been home for almost a week now and Ive done nothing but sleep gratuitous amounts and eat animals I wasnt aware still existed while lounging around in the most godawful turquoise bathrobe ever sold at Costco. (I refuse to wear anything else.) Ive slowly been getting myself back to good health with the power of time, the love of my parents, and the mesquite goodness of Barbeque Lays (okay, so maybe to mediocre health). And I cant tell you how luxurious it is to wonder what I should be doing right now (nothing) or when I should stop doing something (whenever) or when I can go sleep or draw or watch 30 Rock or ponder (also whenever). And finally being on break has let me catch up with some of my closest friends, make my eyebrows reasonably symmetric, watch Struck By Lightning while making my room look slightly less like a gulag and start working on my sisters wedding website (Yes, my sisters name is Bonnie. Yes, this makes me even more suspicious that my life is one big cosmic joke.) And finally, Ive been catching up on a number of DIY projects Ive been meaning to get around to. Heres one to try if you have a DSLR. If you dont, attack befriend the nearest hipster and then come back to the end of this post. If you do, hopefully you have access to an obscene amount of holiday lights, a chandelier, or even streetlights. Create Your Own Bokeh from DIY Photography You need: a favorite shape a DSLR with a prime lens (large aperture) scissors or an exacto knife black/opaque paper or cardstock tape reasonable fine motor skills a pretty light source Instructions: Ponder deeply until you discover your favorite shape. Perhaps listen to some Nawang Khechog. Locate opaque paper, the blacker the better. Trace your lens cap out on the paper loosely. Cut out another piece of paper as long as the circumference of the circle you just drew and about an inch thick. Cut out your favorite shape in the center of the circle nothing larger than 15x15mm. Tape the sucker together by wrapping the long piece around the circle, securing the edges with tape. Pop the cover onto your camera lens. Turn your camera to the lowest aperture possible. Find your colorful light source of choice. Take gratuitous amounts of photos and dazzle your friends. Your facebook cover photo will thank you. But in all seriousness, get some rest. Pusheen out.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Question of Police Brutality - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2780 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/04/08 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Police Brutality Essay Did you like this example? Police Brutality: A Bitter Outcome Proceeding the Relationship Between Frustrations and Aggression This article examines the nature and scope of police brutality and the various strategies tried to reduce and punish police misconduct in the USA. The extent of this research proposal is not for the uprise of any rebellion of sort, yet it is to take notice to the inequalities and social injustices that have been occurring for decadents. Beaten, coerced, tortured, and even murdered all in the name of solidifying the dysfunctional institutions in which the U.S. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Question of Police Brutality" essay for you Create order founded. The police brutality phenomena, here in America, has been in existence for centuries dating as far back to the Middle Passage as the formidable historical features of American policing which are: Institutional enslavement and the control of minorities. The plantations overseer, slave patrols, and night watches were American societys policing institutions; and the reason for the mentioning of these policing institutions is to explore and exploit the similarities between the slave patrols and modern American policing. Based on published articles, African- Americans have been an adversary to the inequalities of white supremacy that has led to the marginalization, oppression, as well as disproportionality and disparities effective on the African- Americans. To add to this claim, we will examine and explore the history of police brutality. In addition, we will examine how race and racism may shape such discourse†police brutality and how the public generally perceives the police. Lastly, we will examine and analyze the psychological causality of police brutality; and with such analysis facilitate the framework for an approach as an interventional implementation into policy for DCs governance. The History of Police Brutality Traced to a multitude of historical, legal, and political- economic conditions is the birth and development of American police. Slave patrols and Night Watches are now the modern police departments, both designed to control the behaviors of the minorities. The formidable historic features of American society are the institution of slavery and the control of minorities that shaped early policing. Moreover, policing was not the only social institution enmeshed in slavery, whereas slavery has institutionalized in American economics and legal order. For instance, Virginia, where more than 130 slave statutes between 1689 and 1865 enacted (Kappeler, 2018). Every occurrence of police brutality is, on one level, a tactical response as a contemporary form of White domination (Harris, 1998) where the legacy of racism and slavery did not end after the Civil War. In all actuality, extreme violence towards African Americans and other racial minorities had become worse during the reconstruction era (Kappeler, 2013). In the 1860s, the rise of vigilante groups had given way where the most infamous American vigilante group, the Ku Klux Klan notorious for their assaults and lynching Blacks for transgressions that were not crimes (Kappeler, 2018). These events occurred for an extended duration whereas minorities were beaten, coerced, and hung (Kappeler, 2018). Some of these behaviors are prevalent within the modern day American policing and the U. S. criminal justice system (Chaney et al., 2014; Chaney et al., 2014; Kappeler, 2018). Race and Racism Leads to Police Brutality and Shape Public Perceptions of Police Racism is a system where it has been fed from generation to generation as its effects are to staining and tainting the innocent and tranquil minds. According to Chaney (2013), race and racism have led to police brutality (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014). The mind controls the body, moreover, the stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination are all aspects of where perspectives are exemplified through behavior (Jones et al., 2014). Chaney (2013) cites Myrdal (1944) presentation of the historical legacy between Black and law enforcement stating: The average Southern policeman is a promoted poor White with a legal sanctionto use a weapon. His social heritage has taught him to despise the Negroes, and he has had little education which could have changed him. The result is that probably no group of Whites in America have a lower opinion of the Negro people and are more fixed in their views than Southern policeman (Chaney et al., 2013; Myrdal, 1944, pp. 540541). The stereotypical perceptions and perspectives lead to discriminatory and prejudicial behaviors where these notions are being learned, therefore marking that racism is of learned behavior (Jones et al., 2014). As mentioned, racism is a system that starts with stereotypes, that leads to discrimination, that leads to prejudices, which leads to racist perspectives and lifestyles (Jones et al., 2014). In the following section we will discuss the premises of the applicable nature of psychodynamic theory towards the explaining of prejudices where humans have the disposition to be hostile, particularly in the face of real or perceived danger. Hostility arises from concerns with economic or material advantages, fear and defensiveness, and the need for prideful self-aggrandizement as these concerns suit the eccentric performance: lethal policing as American policing. When Rodney King endured a brutal beating via the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) on March 3rd, 1991, he instantly came to be the face of American police brutality. This atonement was the reality for the generally accepted notion by most Blacks of this pervasive persistent problem police brutality. David Bayleys Getting Serious about Police Brutality illustrates a New York Times- CBS poll where 51 % of the public, white or black, believed that police were tougher on Blacks than Whites (Bayley, 1995), and to the contrary Chaney (2013) findings from the 2001 Race, Crime, and Public Opinion Survey conclude that for the 1,988 participants which involved 978 non- Hispanic Whites and 1,010 Blacks, expressed a divide in attitudes between Blacks and Whites, whereas 38% of Whites and 89% of Blacks viewed the criminal justice system as being bias towards Blacks (Chaney et al., 2013). Furthermore, 8% of Blacks and 56% of whites perceive the criminal justice system as fairly treating Blacks (Chaney et al., 2013). This is the probability of the police performance being overwhelmingly approved by the dominant group †White domination.White supremacy (Chaney et al. 2013). Nonetheless, police brutality is an issue as David Bayleys Getting Serious about Police Brutality illustrates, here the remarks of one experienced chief of police when asked whether his force had a problem with brutality, he stated, Every force has a problem with brutality (Bayley, 1995). His statement neither negates nor confirm the phenomenon of police brutality as an issue, but it does infer that the phenomena police brutalitys prevalence consists nationally, here in the U. S. The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) used by Chaney (2013) yielded results that expressed its findings of the 5,986 reports of misconduct, 382 fatalities linked to misconduct, settlements and judgments that totaled $347,455,000, and 33 % of misconduct cases that went through to convictions and 64 % of misconduct cases that received prison sentences (Chaney et al., 2013) where the NPMSRP were compiled between the months of April 2009 and June 2010. The NPMSRP reveal that the majority of individuals have a negative view of law enforcement. In particular, most had a strong contempt for members of law enforcement, are suspicious of them, or see them as perpetrators of police brutality (Chaney et al., 2013). It shouldnt be a crime just for being Black, nor is it a crime to have faulty perceptions of the indentured servants that have sworn to protect and service our (Black) communities; yet these perceptions should not be rooted because of interventional implications of implementing policies to the dysfunctional American policing that would give way to just treatment and fairness to all citizens. The Psychological Causality of Police Brutality There are three theories pertaining to police misconduct †as these theories of police behavior are sociological, psychological, and organizational theory (Maguire et al., 2015). Here we will examine police brutality by applying the theoretical approaches as sociological, psychological, and organizational theories. Proposed by the known psychologist, Sigmund Freud, states that psychological processes represent flows of psychic energy that are powered by two basic motivations that shape all of the human behavior: the life instinct (Eros) and the death distinct (Thanatos) (Jones et al., 2014). Experiences from childhood and conflict from childhood are influential to the combination of these forces to determine individualistic personality and, ultimately, her/ his biases towards different people (Jones et al, 2014). There are three premises to the applicable nature of psychodynamic theory towards the explaining of prejudices. Those premises are as follows: 1). It assumes that humans have the disposition to be hostile, particularly in the face of real or perceived danger. Hostility arises from concerns with economic or material advantages, fear and defensiveness, and the need for prideful self-aggrandizement; 2). It assumes that at birth, humans seek comfort, love, and nurturance. However, as they fail to receive these in sufficient degree, they become frustrated, and this frustration activates their latent hostility; and 3). It assumes that only some people those whose basic needs are not readily met in other ways become prejudiced (Jones et al., 2014). Prejudice(s) is/ are viewed as an abnormality. Freud attributed that the basis of aggression to an expression of the death instinct, a factor that is individualistic and rises within an individual, suggested that aggression as a stimulant being a resolution to the external causes that lead to frustration (Jones et al., 2014). An influential group of researchers had adapted some of Freuds ideas to develop a new theory of aggression. Their frustration-aggression hypothesis explains that frustration causes aggression and all aggression can be traced back to some form of frustration (Jones et al., 2014). The same researchers also gave recognition to the ideology of people not being able to express aggression (Jones et al., 2014). Instances being, an officer not being able to meet a certain quota on the job frustrating hopes for future employment. Nevertheless, you would not act out against an innocent bystander within your community, so wanting to sustain future employment and possible promotion will cause you to suppress your desire to act out against an innocent bystander, and this causes displacement. At times police become frustrated with the rising of crime within their community. The frustration of controlling the dispersion and diffusion of crime leads to aggressive/ excessive force used on even the minor of incidences and offenses. Note: As mentioned, the nature and scope of police brutality phenomena, here in America, has been in existence for centuries dating as far back to the Middle Passage where the formidable historical features of American policing are: Institutional enslavement and the control of minorities. Therefore, the system of policing is a tactical response as a contemporary form of White domination (Harris, 1998) where the legacy of racism and slavery are embedded. Moreover, as it is mentioned, because of the White domination that whenever the Blacks have prosperity and the Whites are having a declination in economics then those Whites are more aggressive towards the Blacks (Chaney et al., 2014; Jones et al., 2014). As a result, there were more lynching and murders to shooting and killings dealt from the hands of the white man directed upon the Blacks (Chaney et al., 2014; Jones et al., 2014), as well inequalities of white supremacy leading to marginalization, oppression, as well disproportional ity and disparities effective on the African- Americans (Chaney et al., 2014; Jones et al., 2014). Methods The multifaceted research design of the phenomenon police brutality in American policing will incorporate a case study approach that will allow the intensive study of a given policy, issue, and/ or community in social context. By employing a historical approach coped with the case study to police brutality, the historical roots of this present day problem will become apparent, as we examine the brutal practices of plantation overseers and night watchmen and in the slaveholding south. As well, the data collected will be both quantitative and qualitative, therefore taking into consideration that, in this research proposal because most police precincts dont explicitly collect data on the use of force, and that even when the data is hidden in plain view within police narrative accounts of interactions with civilians, it is exceedingly difficult to extract. Data on officer-involved shootings are extremely rare; and the data that are available is most frequently compiled by grassroots orga nizations, nonprofits, or media sources. Fortunately, there are multiple independent researchers, journalists, and the federal government itself (Banks et al. 2015) which have compiled a virtually comprehensive record of civilians recently killed by U.S. police. Nonetheless, the most common data retrieval sources are Internet searches and Web-based news alerts, but these sources too have also relied on public record requests and required enlisting the services of a large number of people. The striving of such projects, fatalencounters.org (FE), syndicates methods with earnest out- of- sample testing to maintain an exhaustive, publicly downloadable record of police killings, currently going back to 2000 (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirsch? ¬?eld, 2015). Other scholars prior research was used in such ways as using prior interventional research as a basis for conducting their existing research. Chaney (2013) utilized the National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) to respond to questions as what do findings from the NPMSRP suggest about the rate of police brutality in America? and how do individuals perceive the police department and what implications do these perceptions hold for Black men in America? as this research design is an exploratory case study that are case studies performed before implementing a large-scale investigation. Their basic function is to help identify questions and select types of measurement prior to the main investigation. Surveys and interviews conducted on members of a community that police brutality has harmed is an excellent practice used by prior researchers and would be best suited for this type of research. Here are a few of the databases that will be beneficial to the extent of the investigation and research of police brutality: Fatalencounters.org (FE), syndicates methods with earnest out- of- sample testing to maintain an exhaustive, publicly downloadable record of police killings, currently going back to 2000, United States Department of Labor (2018). Occupational Employment and Wages. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/protective-service/police-and-detectives.htm. 2018,  The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP), and U. S. Police Shooting Database (USPSD) Implications for Criminal Justice The implications of this proposed research will inherently impact the incidences of police brutality as it will bring awareness to the public of the incidences of police brutality. The desired result is to protect the safety of communities at harm, and communicate as well promote the need for reform to American Policing: Criminal Justice. Conclusion An expected outcome is to facilitating the framework for an approach as an interventional implementation into policy for DCs governance. Police brutality isnt a new phenomenon (Chaney et al., 2013). In order to succeed in the future, we must as a people become educated about past events in hopes of no longer experiencing such events and place ourselves into better positions of succession. There are many reasons why legislatures impose so few restrictions on the consequential exercise of lethal policing: American policing. As these lethal policing patterns have been entrenched in the American traditions of governance (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015). Over time, police changed from a patronage system to a professional model (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015). This evolution has transferred police policy authority not to lawmakers but to police themselves (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015) where the system s tifles reform (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015). The courts and legislators create the parameters for permissible deadly force, but specific guidelines and procedures on the subject of deadly force are said to be reputable and enforced only by police departments (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015) where again this system stifles reform (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015). Police offcials, along with prosecutors whose jobs require police cooperation, regulate whether a specific act of deadly force sullied any rules or laws. Naturally, protocols that prioritize the protection of themselves and their discretionary authority are chosen by police. A policy that is an alternative that prioritizes protecting life would likely not permit police to use excessive/ deadly force. The fact that police brutality is deeply rooted and concealed in American history, culture, and society doesnt mean that they cannot be greatly reduced (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015). Some police departments are heeding calls for reform on their own (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014). But systemic, large-scale problems require the broad, interventionist solutions expense of our (researchers) prior approaches is periodic unrest, highly expensive taxpayer-funded lawsuit settlements, and reduced public cooperation with the police reduced (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014; Hirscheld, 2015). Chaney (2013; 2014) expresses that Two-thirds of Americans register low levels of satisfaction with how well police departments hold their officers accountable for misconduct (Chaney et al., 2013; Chaney et al., 2014). Hopefully, centralized government actors will get the message and act in the public interest. Appreciations to emergent national data because now police dependence on deadly force is finally questionable.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay on Book Summary of the Bible Among the Myths
Introduction Author John N. Oswalt begins The Bible Among the Myths: Unique Revelation or Just Ancient Literature? with a concise and well-written introduction that whets the reader’s appetite, compelling one to continue reading. He begins by informing the reader that his novel has been in the works dating all of the way back to the 1960s, when he attended the Asbury Theological Seminary. Oswalt quickly points out that one of the main points that the book will focus on is determining if â€Å"the religion of the Old Testament [is] essentially similar to, or essentially different from, the religions of its neighbors.†1 Oswalt is swift to acknowledge a major difference between the Old Testament and the religions of the Israelites Near†¦show more content†¦Is it Appropriate to Classify the Bible as Myth? In this particular section, Oswalt begins by arguing that you cannot rationalize calling the Bible a myth until you have a clear definition of the word â€Å" myth.†He continues by pointing out how difficult it is to actually define what a â€Å"myth†is. Oswalt emphasizes that â€Å"Rogerson goes so far as to say that there are so many differences in opinion on the subject that no one definition is possible.†4 The definitions for the word â€Å"myth†can be divided into two distinct categories: historical-philosophical and the phenomenological, or descriptive. Regardless of the analysis of the word â€Å"myth†and its various meanings, Oswalt concludes that Bible is definitely not a myth in way, shape, form, or fashion. He writes, â€Å"Rather it is a rehearsal of the nonrepeatable acts of God in identifiable time and in concert with human beings. Its purpose is to provoke human choices and behavior through the medium of memory.†5 Continuity: The Basis of Mythical Thinking Continuity as the Ruling Concept in Myth Myths are distinctive because of their continuity. Every aspect of a myth co-exists. They are intertwined, and there is no distinction between humanity, nature, and the deity. One of the interesting aspects of myths is that they lack barriers, and as a consequence, humans can actually participate in the nature and in the divine. Furthermore, symbols are reality. Everything is connected, and the lines areShow MoreRelatedEssay about Book Summary The Bible Among the Myths2835 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿ INTRODUCTION The book opens with an introduction comparing the study of the Old Testament and the other religions and cultures of other peoples from the Ancient Near East. Scholars used to believe that the Old Testament was unique among other beliefs in the Ancient Near East but they now view the Old Testament as identical to other religions of its day and time. The author also discusses the vital philosophical distinction between â€Å"essence†and â€Å"accident.†When removing an essential featureRead MoreBook Summary: the Bible Among the Myths by John N. Oswalt Essay3529 Words  | 15 PagesABSTRACT John Oswalt, in his book The Bible Among the Myths, presents his position to the reader that the bible is different and separate from other writings of the Ancient Near East. He asserts the Bible is both historically accurate and theologically sound. He makes the defense the Bible was divinely inspired and revealed to humanity and unique from other Ancient Near East literature. There was a time when the Bible, and the Israelite religion was different from its neighboring societies.Read MoreMs Paul2146 Words  | 9 PagesBible Among the Myths Malcom College English 093 Ms. Smith 01/23/2012 Introduction The book is an analysis of the Biblical view of the world and compares it other works in the Ancient Near East of that time with the development of the Bible. This is done by an in-depth analysis of the underlying beliefs inherent in mythology and the Biblical text. Of primary significance is the authors portrayal of the Biblical insistence on monotheism and divine transcendence compared to the polytheisticRead MoreEssay on The Bible Among the Myths Summary3696 Words  | 15 PagesSUMMARY OF JOHN N. OSWALT’S BOOK THE BIBLE AMONG THE MYTHS David Strickland Old Testament Introduction - OBST 590 June 1, 2013 Introduction The author, John N. Oswalt, was first introduced to the subject of this book in his seminary studies in the 1960s. 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But the focus was mainly on the governments’ contribution and its activities like intervention policies and program to realize this goal. Furthermore, huge budgetary allocation designated, and plunged into the sector notwithstanding, only modest success, if any had been recorded. Consequent upon this, this research topicRead MoreThe Myth Of Epic Of Gilgamesh 1879 Words  | 8 PagesHistory 10 Professor Chrissanthos 4 October, 2016 From Myth to Religion The Sumerian myth â€Å"Epic of Gilgamesh†is known to be the oldest written fictional story of all time. The original script, discovered on 12 clay tablets in ancient Sumeria, covers the adventures of a real historical figure (Ralph): the Sumarian King of Uruk, who lived sometime between the years 2750 and 2500 B.C. (Epic) The adventures of Gilgamesh were so popular among the people of that era (the earliest written versions ofRead MoreThe Core Essence Of Servant Leadership From A Biblical Perspective1605 Words  | 7 Pages‘Servant Leadership’ from a Biblical perspective, which might be able to provide practical, theological, and hermeneutical insights in order to develop leadership competency and a healthy prosperous ministry, as oppose to the current secular ‘leadership’ myths and fascination in our church, culture and society. Admittedly, over the years I have always admired and strived to adopt a servant leader attitude in all my endeavo rs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Someone Who Has Had Influenced My in My Life. Free Essays
There are many things which influence on me and there are many people who give me lessons, smiling and sadness. The person who has influenced me the most is my mother, but today, I will not write about her but my best friend who is being with me after my mother. We have been friends for more than 10 years. We will write a custom essay sample on Someone Who Has Had Influenced My in My Life. or any similar topic only for you Order Now We are in the same class during primary school but when we entered secondary school, we got separated. Since then I became very lazy and cannot focus in studies. I got bad result during my form3 test and when she knew it, she helps me to do revision everyday during form4 and form5 but it is too late. I got only 5A’s in my spm and I am unable to get into the Poly I want which is NYP. The only way to study in Singapore is –STPM, so I got into form6. One week later, she joined form6 too as she felt that form6 is more challenging. Fortunately we got into same class and we became deskmate, she taught me and guided me during every lesson. We used to go to library every day after school and attend tuition class. Hard works pay off, when I got my results, I felt so happy although it is not the best, but is more than I expect. I really thanks my best friend as she helps me a lot and influences me a lot, she was satisfied with her results too and we are now applying every university we wish to get. Although the chance we got it is small but â€Å"never try never know†, that is what my mom told me. How to cite Someone Who Has Had Influenced My in My Life., Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Claude MckayS If We Must Die Essay free essay sample
Claude Mckay`S? If We Must Die? Essay, Research Paper Poetry # 8211 ; Claude McKay # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; One of the most influential authors of the Harlem Renaissance was Jamaican born Claude McKay, who was a political militant, a novelist, an litterateur and a poet. Claude McKay was cognizant of how to maintain his name systematically in mainstream civilization by composing for that audience. Although in McKay # 8217 ; s arsenal he possessed powerful verse forms. The book that included such radical poesy is Harlem Shadows. His 1922 book of verse forms, Harlem Shadows, Barros acknowledged that this verse form was said by many to hold inaugurated the Harlem Renaissance. Throughout McKay # 8217 ; s composing calling he used a batch of idiom and African American slang in his authorship, which was instead controversial at the clip. Writing in dialect wasn # 8217 ; t considered proper for composing formal literature. For this paper I chose the verse form # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; , one of his strongest political verse form included in Harlem Shadows. The capable affair that McKay writes about is confrontational. Even if McKay used classical poesy techniques to compose # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; . McKay used the poesy technique of the sonnet by utilizing the 13 lines and 1 last line in the terminal. In # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; McKay uses rimes, and metaphors to tie in and body the verse form. Using these techniques the audience can place with the author and the verse form itself. The verse form at first seems to hold been written for a black audience but so it grew enormously for a wider cosmopolitan audience. This poem radius to anyone and everyone who was being oppressed or in a state of affairs that they weren # 8217 ; t in control of. This verse form was for anyone who is or was put to decease. This verse form showed that everyone deserves a baronial decease, a decease of award and regard non to be beaten and treated like an animate being but like a human being. # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; was foremost published in the Liberator in 1919. Then in his digest of poesy Harlem Shadows in 1922. Where already the universe war had ended. It was one of the really first poems that initiated the tone, capable and affair of the Harlem Renaissance. The verse form is radical, it # 8217 ; s the type of verse form that makes people believe and take action. He made the reader feel of import and recognized the value of a human life. McKay believed portion of the poets occupation is to politically inform the heads of people. Leading to the influence of such people as Amiri Baraka, get downing the Black Arts Movement. The verse form itself is a proof, acknowledgment of the value of a human life. In the first line of the sonnet # 8220 ; If we must decease, allow it non be like pigs # 8221 ; . If we as worlds die in whatever state of affairs arises, allow it non be like an animate being, inhumane, without a name and unjust. # 8220 ; If we must decease, O let us nobly die # 8221 ; , and eventhough the individual might be by far outnumbered, beaten and maimed non to sit there and take the penalty. That there last breaths is one of triumph because the individual neer stopped contending back. Erasing the thought of inactive opposition which made such people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. known for. Although the verse form had a cosmopolitan entreaty, McKay published this verse form through one of the fiercest times for African Americans. There were terrible racial jobs with Blacks and Whites through out triping force. In 1919 they # 8217 ; re where infinite race public violences in Harlem and all over the United States. This verse form could hold even fanned the fire that the race public violences started. This poem itself moved people to stand up for themselves and I don # 8217 ; t uncertainty that it did. This verse form can easy be read today and entreaty to today # 8217 ; s society. It seems that there will ever be an laden group, that is something we can # 8217 ; t flight from. If the verse form # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; were read today, I feel it would travel countless people into action. Particularly now where there are a batch of jobs with the New York City police section. The Police department’s utilizing tactics of racial profiling, infinite shots, and deceases of immature African American and Latino work forces. No affair what decennary we live in, same regulations seem to use. Their will ever be mindless violent deaths, and the occupation of the poet is to utilize what is traveling on in their environment and talk out against it. I feel a poet is a radical, merely like McKay stated that # 8220 ; portion of the poets occupation is to politically inform the heads of people. # 8221 ; To do people think and even act upon their actions. Both to motivate and alter what is in society. To revolutionise their heads, and assist people non be afraid to talk out. # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; was besides # 8220 ; popularized as a conflict call by Winston Churchill in the European battle against fascism. # 8221 ; ( Barros ) Ironically, # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; had been written as a hawkish response to a Harlem race public violence some twenty old ages earlier. During a period when # 8220 ; McKay himself wouldn # 8217 ; Ts have been caught dead back uping a war between capitalist, nationalist states. # 8221 ; ( Barros ) # 8220 ; It was during those yearss that the sonnet, # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; , exploded out of me. And for it the Negro people nem con hailed me as a poet. Indeed, that one expansive effusion is their exclusive criterion of measuring my poesy. It was the lone verse form I of all time read to the members of my crew. # 8211 ; Even the 4th server # 8211 ; who was the giddiest and most irresponsible of the batch, with all his motivations and gestures colored by a queerly acute signifier of satyriasis # 8211 ; even he really cried. # 8221 ; Eventhough Pearson # 8217 ; s Magazine had its offices in the same edifice as the Liberator. Frank Harris the editor of Pearson # 8217 ; s Magazine wanted to print # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; in his magazine but McKay had already shown it to the Liberator and was accepted, it was being included in the Liberator foremost. Although Frank Harris and Claude McKay were friends it seems McKay went to the Liberator foremost because the Liberator has an African American entreaty and a broad reading audience. Which seemed to be McKay # 8217 ; s first purpose and mark audience with # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; . Claude McKay is one of my favourite poets and any reader could understand why. His poesy speaks to a battalion, and this verse form # 8220 ; If We Must Die # 8221 ; made the reader, a human being feel of import. Alternatively of seeing yourself as lower than soil, accommodating the head of the laden and non contending back. We must non sit around while awful things happen in our society. If we want a alteration we have to make it ourselves. # 8220 ; Pressed to the wall, deceasing, but contending back. # 8221 ; If We Must Die If we must decease, allow it non be like pigs Hunted and penned in an black topographic point, While unit of ammunition us bark the mad and hungry Canis familiariss, Making their mock at our accurst batch. If we must decease, O let us nobly die, So that our cherished blood may non be shed In vain ; so even the monsters we defy Shall be constrained to honour us though dead! O kinsmen! we must run into the common enemy! Though far outnumbered allow us demo us weather, And for their 1000 blows cover one coup de grace! What though before us lies the unfastened grave? Like work forces we # 8217 ; ll face the homicidal, cowardly battalion, Pressed to the wall, deceasing, but contending back! 454 Arno # 8220 ; A long manner place # 8221 ; [ 1937 ] New York Times 1969 Barros, Paul De # 8220 ; The Loud Music Of life # 8217 ; : Representations of Jazz In the Novels of Claude McKay. # 8221 ; Antioch Review, Summer 1999. Claude McKay ( 1890-1948 ) March 26, 2000
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
AOL Time Warner Essays - Online Service Providers, AOL, Time Warner
AOL Time Warner On January 10, 2000, one of the largest, most powerful mergers was announced to the world. Media giant Time Warner will join forces with the Internet superstar, America on Line. The $183 billion dollar deal is the biggest in history. In the recent past, there has been a wave of merger-mania, both in the United States and in Europe. The merger of the Millennium is between America on Line and Time Warner. The AOL Time Warner deal represents the joining of the Old Media with the New Media. Not only is it a marriage of different approaches, the two CEO's are very diverse individuals. The two companies are quite different, in nearly every aspect. Some of the divisions of Time Warner have been around since the 1920's, while the youngster, AOL is a mere fifteen years old. The quick paced, new up starting Internet companies never thought in a million years they would ever need the old stand-by media organizations. "The Internet will revolutionize everything", that is what their beliefs were. They were fearless and believed themselves to be invincible, but things have changed. The Internet has put the world only a mouse click away and it has changed the world. The fact of the matter is the world of the Internet is extremely competitive and in order to survive, you must invest huge sums into your marketing campaign, in some cases up to seventy percent of a budget. The one thing that you can always could on in this word is change, and there are going to be some major changes in the realm of the high tech companies. The 'techies' are going to have to realize their need for and have to learn how to form lasting relationships with the 'old stand bys' in order to keep up with today's world. Time Warner is, for the most part, a stable reliable organization. Time Warner's holdings include many magazines, Time, Sports Illustrated, Money and Fortune just to name a few. Time Warner also possesses Warner Brothers Studio, Warner Music (which recently acquired EMI Music), Turner Classic Movies and an array of television stations. A partial list of the broadcast networks includes CNN, TNT and HBO. Time Warner is also the second largest cable television provider in the country. They have also recently invested huge sums of money into their cable system to prepare it for Roadrunner technologies. Roadrunner is an alternative to a standard Internet service provider account (ISP). Roadrunner allows a user to send and receive as much information as they desire and unprecedented speeds. Time Warner has played around with their own Internet company, Pathfinder, with little success. The world of the Internet is so cutting edge that unless a company pays very close attention to it, chance s for success are very low. This fact brings the importance of a joining with an organization such as AOL into the light for Time Warner. America on Line realizes the value of a company as established as Time Warner. AOL is a New School organization. Steve Case and Bob Pittman also had the foresight to see the impact of a joining of their company with Time Warner. They could create the largest, most powerful service provider in history. America on Line comes into the deal offering it's cutting-edge technologies and the love of the American people. AOL has continually updated its system to make using the Internet easy for anyone. They have removed the phobias that many Americans have experienced. AOL has developed its very own vast world where you can find nearly anything you could possibly want to. AOL's domain is perfectly safe and so simple to navigate. At present, AOL has over 22 million subscribers. Americans love AOL and all the features it has to offer. AOL has something called Instant Messenger, which allows you to communicate instantaneously via your computer with anyone, anywhere. They offer multiple e-mail ac counts with each dial up account. What this means is in a household, each member can have their own e-mail address at no additional charge. AOL makes the Internet so easy to navigate and unlimited access is offered for about $20.00 per month. Time Warner needs AOL to move
Friday, March 6, 2020
buy custom Poem for the End of the Century essay
buy custom Poem for the End of the Century essay Poem for the end of the century by John Haines revolves around the issues of the 9/11 attacks. The author largely dwells on the theme of unity and friendships. This is because the presence of people from the Middle East in the United States is not fully accepted by the natives. This is because there is a general perception that the people from the Middle East are assumed to be largely similar to one another and virtually different from the people from the West. The author examines how the people of the Middle East are perceived. He looks at the reasons as to why they are viewed in that specific way. The author widely bases his issues of orientalism on the twin towers attacks in 2001. The author notes that orientalism is largely accrued to the presence of the people of the Middle East in the USA. However, he seems to agree that the USA cannot remain uniformly tied to the relations and encounters it has had with the Middle East. This is because they have also proved that they can be da ngerous (Haines 25). The persona also wishes he was living the life of a nightingale. This is because it has nothing to worry about. It has no stresses such as death. It lives its life happily without any distractions because all it does is sing. He is completely convinced that death is the only way out of the misery he is going through. He is confident that if he dies he will have nothing else to worry about. He wishes he could die while listening to the good songs that the nightingale sings. This would help ease his pain. He envies the bird because it will continue to live without any sadness. There are issues that may be urgent but not equally important. For example, for a student, watching a movie may be urgent because it showing at a stipulated time but it is not important towards achievement of good academic results. According to him, the nightingale will forever remain ecstatic because it sings its songs just like a poet. The only difference is that it does so and does not expect to suffer any pai n in the near future. Eventually, the nightingale bird flies further away from the persona. It is then that he realizes that the nightingale was not born to die. On the contrary, he has no choice. He realizes it is like he has been hallucinating hoping to get the best but was not able to make it. He wihes he could fly away with the bird into space. According to him, he would have nothing to fear or be worried about while he is up there in the air. This implies that we hold ourselves responsible for the decision s that we make in life. We do not always look for excuses as to why things are the way they are. For instance, we do not blame certain misfortunes on the genetic relationships that we have. This is an indication that the outcomes of our lives are based on the choices we make. Unfortunately, this whole experience turns out to have been like a dream. The persona himself remains confused on whether he was actually going through the ordeal while asleep or awake. The bird is gone but the persona still w ishes he could die (Haines 3). The poet has brought out the concept of death clearly. This has been perfectly achieved because of the comparison of a nightingale and the persona. This is because the bird is immortal and has nothing to worry about. It remains happy entertaining those who listen to it for whichever amount of time. On the contrary, human beings have to come up with ways of surviving since their life is not immortal. The use of a real life example that is directly connected to the author is also strategic in achievement of her purpose and intention. This is because the reader is able to analyze her message through the authors personal experiences. This is because the readers are likely to believe in his analysis as he has analyzed them first hand. The choice of subject also plays a major role in passing on his message. This is because it relates to a wide population of the readers. Each reader has something to learn from the authors work. This helps in achievement of the authors purpose. He then provides proof of this by incorporating well thought ideas and past facts by authors of similar topics. The poets message is very important to those people that are going though trying experiences. However, his message contradicts general morality. This is because instead of giving them the heart and hope to move on with their lives after the death of their colleagues, he largely concentrates on the issues about why death is the only way out. His thoughts on the issues would be up for rejection by society in general. This is because society values liffe and views it as being sacred. Therefore, an individual who does not support life would not be greatly appreciated in the society. His ideas would negate societal views. Also, society believes in facing situations as they are as opposed to escaping from the challenges that one faces in life. This implies that it is very important for authors and poets to present their work to the intended readers. This is important so as to prevent any misjudgments or misunderstandings. This will also ensure that there no any misinterpretation of their intended opinions. However, the poet is only speaking his mind and is entitled to that right. The author has a great effect on me in the way he makes his analysis. He is keen to deal on facts and not empty assumptions. I am moved on the realization that politics have a great role in the way the entire world perceives the people from the Middle East. He is able to pass on great teachings to readers on making judgments. He says that politicizing the matter of the Middle East could mislead individuals into thinking that these individuals are not human. He notes the importance of basing judgments on factual information. He also talks about the need of giving others opportunities and not always thinking ill about them. However, he is quick to that this does not guarantee that these individuals will always do things the way that we want them to. In reference to the people of the Middle East, the author notes that this was the case during the 9/11 twin towers blast that shocked the entire universe. He notes of how badly such events could damage long lasting relationships between ind ividuals. Generally, the authors message to individuals around the world is clear.. They have to act in a manner that depicts the fact that they are willing to be part of the international society. This will ensure that they are not alienated from the rest of the world. It will also ensure that they are accorded the respect and appreciation that they very much wish to have. This will also enhance their position in society and levels of credibility. While working towards this, he cautions fellow authors to ensure that when they report their findings, they should ensure that they base their analysis on facts only. This will ensure that there are no hurdles along the way. Buy custom Poem for the End of the Century essay
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The Dust Bowl and How It Affected Weather Predicting Research Paper
The Dust Bowl and How It Affected Weather Predicting - Research Paper Example This paper therefore seeks to review the effects of Dust Bowl on weather predicting and to examine the technologies that were used. Practical use of weather predicting Structured weather reports were maintained following the discovery of instruments to measure atmospheric conditions in early in the 17th century. Certainly these initial reports were used mostly by those people who were involved in farming activities. As noted by Lutgens, et al. (2001) planting and harvesting of plants clearly was better planned if the long term weather patterns were predicted. In America, weather prediction was initially done by the Army Signal Corps starting in the 1870s. This service was later offered by Department of Agriculture and later by the U.S Weather Bureau that was established in 1920s. Radio broadcasts was the main way of announcing weather forecast. Use of Radar technology One of the technologies used to predict weather during the America Dust Bowl era was the radar. Following the Dust Bo wl, those involved in weather forecasting focused on the use to radar as a tool to predict weather. Though, radar has been developed to monitor enemy airplanes, it was discovered that the equipment gave better results from raindrops at a particular wavelengths. Thus, it became feasible to track and examine development of thunderstorms or heavy showers and also it was possible to â€Å"view†the precipitation composition of big storms. Indeed, as pointed out by Byers (1994) the Dust Bowl that were experienced were caused by a long drought that lasted about six years leaving the landscape with bear and when strong wind came, they easily gathered tones of dust resulting in this Dust Bowl. Thus, the radar was seen as a tool to forecast such severe weather disasters. Indeed, since the era, radar has developed in its meteorological use as a predicting tool. As Wigley (1985) remind us, nearly all tornadoes as well as harsh thunderstorms in America have been predicted using this long -established technology. Radar examination of development, movement and features of these kinds of storms offers hints of the level of the storms. However, current radars have improved technology of Doppler, which is move effective. According to Trihey and Campbell (1989) the Dust Bowl, that followed the very bad drought in the Midwest experience between 1930 and 1936, was a typical meteorological drought, meaning that it resulted mainly due to odd climate patterns. They further points out that these climate patterns were destructive in their rhythmic relentlessness. Meteorological Kites In early 1930, meteorological kites were used to in weather forecasting. The kites were used in the weather stations for weather observations, and also in examining the atmosphere to collect different information regarding the weather. The main instruments that were carried on the kite included those for measuring the wind velocity, temperatures, different humidity at different altitudes as well as the barometer that was used to measure pressure. Indeed, as observed by Williams (2001) during this era, the U.S Weather Bureau perfected the science of using the kite. Different sizes of kites were used according to their speed and how far they could go. Nonetheless, these kites had their
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Implementation of Cold Ironing in the Port of Southampton, UK Dissertation
Implementation of Cold Ironing in the Port of Southampton, UK - Dissertation Example To carry out these processes, most ships switch off their main engines but leave their auxiliary engines running. Some even leave their main engines running throughout. The term is generally thought to originate from the era when steamships were powered by coal, with ‘cold ironing’ referring to the fact that when the ships were in port, the fires feeding the boilers were no longer fed with coal, and so the iron engines eventually went cold. Today, cold ironing refers to the increasing trend for ships to be powered when in port by being connected to an electricity supply on the shore. This is mostly seen as a way to reduce harmful gas emissions from the ships’ engines when they are in port. In recent decades, global trade has increased considerably year on year. In line with this, emissions from ocean-going ships have also increased, given that shipping is the main and most cost-effective way on transporting bulk goods internationally. Most ocean-going vessels aflo at today use bunker oil, or heavy furnace oil – a diesel fuel which is responsible for a considerable proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is not just conventional greenhouse gases that are emitted. Some research, as will be discussed below, has suggested that particulate matter (PM), released in large quantities by the burning of bunker fuel, leads directly to health complications and premature death. Burning bunker fuel also produces nitrous oxides (NOx) and sulphur dioxide (SOx), both of them toxic. Talley (2009) states that the bunker fuel used in some ships has a sulphur content of 27,000 parts per million, compared to 15 parts per million in the fuel used by cars, and that oceangoing vessels contribute 5-30% of the SOx in coastal areas (p.164). Therefore, in order to reduce the risks to people living close to large ports, the feasibility of cold ironin
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Theories of US Involvement in the Vietnam War
Theories of US Involvement in the Vietnam War Laina Galayde The Right Reasons Do you know how many U.S troops were killed in the Vietnam War? According to the DCAS in 2009, there were 58,220 recorded deaths. Did the United States really have the right reasons to expend that many citizens? There was not significant enough economic, social or political reason for the U.S. to involve itself in the Vietnam Civil War. For many who study foreign affairs, the Vietnam War was a tragic mistake brought about by the U.S. leaders who exaggerated the influence of communism and underestimated the power of nationalism (Lind). However, those who actively study foreign affairs are not the only ones who view this war as a mistake. It is also agreed that in the long run, the United States had nothing to gain economically from being involved in the Vietnam Civil War. When fighting finally broke out in Vietnam there were two sides, the communist North Vietnam and anti-communist South Vietnam. In reality, the two sides werent so clearly defined until 1945 when, Viet Minh forces seized the northern city of Hanoi and declared a democratic State of Vietnam (known commonly as North Vietnam) with Ho as president, (History.com staff). Ho as in Ho Chi Minh. Bao Dai, the French educated emperor of all Vietnam stepped down in favor of the revolution to free his country from the oppressive French. However, the French who had formed an alliance with the Chinese were not planning on letting Vietnam have their independence yet. While they got control of the South, the Chinese invaded the North. Despite Hos tries for peaceful negotiations with the French for independence for Vietnam, withdrawal of the Chinese and reunification of the North and the South were all for naught when, in October 1946, a French cruiser opened fire on the town of Haiphong after a clash between French and Vietnamese soldiers(History.com staff). and Ho Chi Minhs followers called for war. Now, onto the claims. In the long term, The United States had nothing to gain economically from the Vietnam War. When the United States first entered the war the main concern was the spread of communism; the economy was not fore-front. Though the war was instrumental in increasing wages, inflation was also rising at an astounding rate. However, this was not the true economy. It was all fabricated because of the war. The government was spending huge amounts of money on companies that were, in one way or another, feeding and fueling the Vietnam Conflict and people were making money hand over fist (Captain John Glowe, Vietnam veteran). It can be argued that the stimulating effect of wars can be beneficial to the economy. War leads to higher government spending, higher employment and can, therefore, provide a boost to domestic demand, economic growth and help reduce unemployment (Pettinger). Yet, when America pulled out of the conflict much of this work dried up and the American people w ere left with a huge recession that damaged the economy greatly. Socially, the Vietnam conflict was a Civil War that we should not have involved ourselves in. The United States main justification of its involvement in the war was to help the people of Southern Vietnam be free and so stop the spread of communism; however, it was hard for the American people to understand the Vietnamese because they wanted to be independent more than they didnt want communism. Their freedom was not as important as their nationalism. The independence of the country of Vietnam was paramount. One of the things that made the Vietnam War so morally confusing for Americans was the fact that the Viet Minh were both nationalists and Communist (www.sparknotes.com). This confusion led to the American people not supporting their returning troops and to protests. Though it can be argued that this confusion also caused the innocent American people to wake up and question their leaders, ultimately, the costs of the war did not justify the means. During the Vietnam War, o ne of the biggest social impacts was the use of protesting. Protesters believed that mass gatherings and constant protesting would actually influence government decisions. Whether it did or not, is something to debate. But, from the outside looking in, the protests did nothing to stop the U.S, from getting involved, the war continuing, or ending (Biello). Finally, the negative global effect of a possible communist Vietnam was exaggerated. It was feared that if one country fell to communism, its neighbor would, and so on and so on, much like dominoes falling. In Southeast Asia, the United States government used the domino theory to justify its support of a non-communist regime in South Vietnam against the communist government of North Vietnam, and ultimately its increasing involvement in the long-running Vietnam War (1954-75) (History.com Staff). This theory did not evolve as was feared. In fact, the American failure to prevent a communist victory in Vietnam had much less of a global impact than had been assumed by the domino theory. Though communist regimes did arise in Laos and Cambodia after 1975, communism failed to spread throughout the rest of Southeast Asia (History.com Staff). In conclusion, although economic, social, and political justifications have been touted for the United States entanglement in the Vietnam War, with time, most of these have been proven invalid. It is impossible to know what our world might look like had America not chosen to participate in the Vietnam conflict. As in most instances, hindsight is 20/20. Work Cited Statistical Information About Casualties of The Vietnam War. www.archives.gov, 2013, https://www.archives.gov/research/military/vietnam-war/casualty-statistics.html Lind, Michael. Why We Went to War in Vietnam. www.legion.org, The American Legion, December 20, 2012, https://www.legion.org/magazine/213233/why-we-went-war-vietnam. Hisory.com staff. Ho Chi Minh. www.history.com, A+E Networks, 2010, http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/ho-chi-minh. Pettinger, Tejvan. Economic Impact of War. www.economicshelp.org, 2010, http://www.economicshelp.org/blog/2180/economics/economic-impact-of-war/ The Vietnam War (1945-1975). www.sparknotes.com, B+N, Works Cited http://www.sparknotes.com/history/american/vietnamwar/section2/page/2/ Biello, Blase. Vietnam War Aftermath. www.blogspot.com, 2010, http://blaseanwar.blogspot.com/2011/01/vietnam-war-aftermath_13.html History.com staff. Domino Theory. www.history.com, A+E Networks, 2009, http://www.history.com/topics/cold-war/domino-theory
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Gender Bias: Sociology of Gender and Sexuality Essay
As individuals we have the choice to do whatever we want, but why is it that we have to be careful of what we do because of the fear of being judged. This world is divided in two, the men and the women; you’re simply one or the other. Society as a whole has always made women inferior to men in every way possible, we live in a world where if you’re a women you must learn to live second best, you will never be as good as a man in your profession, or you will never be as smart as a man. These are but a few examples of which women must learn to live with in today’s world for it is they way that we all are taught from the moment we are born women have their role, while men have their role. Gender bias is everywhere, you more than likely see it every day but you are so used to it that you don’t catch it. So why do we have this gender bias? Are we ever going to accept that both men and women are two of the same and that we are equal? Sociologists explain the gender bias that occurs in workplaces, why men get paid more for the exact same job that the women is doing, or how we generalize occupations just because some jobs are masculine while others are feminine. Also how it affects media, and why homosexuality is okay for females but is looked down on for males. So how would you feel if you finally landed your dream career after all the hard work and struggles you went through college, just to find out that your going to be getting paid less then the person next to you even though you are doing the exact same job and you both have the exact same qualifications. The reality of it is that this does occur. The gender pay gap in the United States has received a lot of attention (Nadler 1). Women across the world are being victims of gender discrimination. Their future career’s are in jeopardy because as a society we tend to act as if they aren’t good enough, the possibility for their advancement at work is very slim for we tend to pick a male over a female. There have been many studies as to why males are favorited over females. â€Å"Such studies examine gender stereo-type driven bias at a macro or individual level†(Nadler 1). Too many of us gender stereo type subconsciously for we are taught from a young age what roles a man is to do and what role a women is supposed to do, so we are so used to it, that we don’t realize that we are doing it, it becomes almost second nature. From the moment we are in elementary school we learn about our roles. Boys are supposed to be the workers, the ones who provide and make the most money, we’re supposed to be tough and play football and do other masculine activities while the girls start following the role of playing house, being a mom and playing cooking games like baking or other activities that women portray. So what if a boy wants to play house and the girl wants to play football, at first this would be an issue for in our society that’s not normal. Women are implanted with this idea that they need to pick a career inferior to that of a males, the idea is that the men bring in the most income into a household. So with that in mind it’s the same thing with this gender pay gap, women are practically getting told no, this is a job for a man, so we will not promote you. Even though about 47% of the workforce consists of women, according to the catalyst only 3% of the fortune companies have had a woman as their chief executive officer. Studies show these opportunities of top position jobs are by passed right on by the women, for the men believe that their relationship or children would affect the way they work, so the women wouldn’t get this promotion because of a mere assumption that her future would affect her work. Although the gender pay gap and the gender bias has been decreasing in the past thirty years there is still a difference in salary of men and women in similar careers (Nadler 2). As time goes on it seems that society as a whole is beginning to accept that women can go out of their designated role and do what men do, the social norm has always been women stay home and cook and be a mother but now with newer generations you see women taking on the roles of the man, making the most income in the household, and for some males this is very difficult to grasp for they were raised their entire life with the idea that they were the ones supposed to be supporting the family, they were supposed to be the providers. Sometimes even the men take the role of the female, the increase in male nurses in the past decade has increased drastically, in the old days you wouldn’t catch a man being a nurse, but today it is becoming more acceptable to venture off into these female role careers. â€Å"Over the past three decades, research has examined changes in men’s and women’s family roles†(Maume 1). For instance if a male was to pick a career say for example, taking care of children he would more than likely suffer gender discrimination and not get hired for watching over children has always been t he role of a women (Stockdale 3). We have come a long way from when women had to stay at home and cook and do house chores, but we still have a little bit more to go before we begin seeing an equal opportunity for women. Hyun Sung Lim states, â€Å"homosexuality has long been considered pathological, at least in western countries†(1). In the 19th century through most of the 20th century homosexuality was considered a neurotic disorder. Up until 1973 the APA considered it an illness causing a major controversy across the country. People weren’t happy being told they had an illness because they liked the same gender of sex; it was something they simply could not control. Now we know that some people can be born being attracted to the same sex, they weren’t forced into it, it just came naturally as it comes naturally for us to like the opposite sex. â€Å"According to data from different countries, between 5% and 11% of the young population can identify themselves as homosexuals†(Gerouki 1). So why is that people don’t like homosexuals? Today in modern America we see a huge gender bias towards homosexuals. Society is very hostile and not accepting towards gays, but the only problem is that it’s only towards male homosexuals. â€Å"Part of the reason why males are targets is because of HIV, because of the potential risks of spreading an epidemic they tend to get the most negative attention†(Druten 1). Female’s kissing each other has transformed into more of a fantasy to some in todays age, where if it were the other way around two men kissing each other a sense of un-comfort arises, and it becomes socially unacceptable. Over the years we have made this norm where we made it acceptable for women to be comfortable and public about their relationship with another female, while for men we’ve forced them into being secretive and even a great sense of fear has been presented to them. They have to be careful of how they show their affection in public in fear that someone may harm them because they don’t accept their sexuality, in their eyes they’re wrong. â€Å"Violence against homosexuals is recognized as a social problem†(Lim 1). Research studies show that males have a much higher negative attitude towards male homosexuality then females (Lim 2). A study was conducted in South Korea where they asked 124 college student who were all heterosexual, they were asked a series of questions about how they felt about homosexuals, and 96 of the 124 students classified into the homophobic range. In our society there is a gender bias towards homosexuals because of this homophobia, this fear one has to be around or socialize with homosexuals. Some homosexuals are targeted when they apply for jobs if they are clearly visibly gay they will more than likely not get the job for some people are scared because of their sexuality, they want nothing to do with them. We are becoming more accepting of homosexuals for example, now we have 9 states in the United States that allow marriage of the same sex and about 11 countries that too allow it, it seems that society is slowly accepting homosexuality into its norm. Being able to marry the same sex comes with a price, in Vancouver a study was done for pricing of apartment rentals. Discrimination for those with partners of the same sex was higher than those of the opposite sex, 24% less likely to receive positive response from inquiries to be exact (Lauster and Easterbrook 402). Vancouver having a very high rate of homosexuals still experiences gender bias. Homosexuals where being charged more for their just because of their sexuality. Also they were not treated as well as a heterosexual couple. Even though it is clear that it is okay to be homosexual, most of society refuses to accept it, and their kids see this form of gender bias so then they learn it and so on the cycle continues. Homosexuals are slowly getting the chance to live their life out happy without having to worry about being outcasts in today’s society. So in the end we live in a world where we discriminate one another because of our gender or our sexuality. Women are under appreciated in the work field because of their gender, when in reality they are just as capable of doing what the men do. They have to struggle to get recognized. They have to work twice as hard to prove themselves everyday, to get seen as equal. If a woman exceeds in her work more than a male than there is absolutely no reason why she shouldn’t make up hire in management, gender should not be a factor of to how far you can go in your career. Homosexuals are harassed for the mere fact that they are attracted to the same sex, when in reality they are humans just like the rest of us. No harm is being done yet society finds something wrong with them. Research provides the evidence that this gender bias is slowly diminishing and hopefully with time it will eventually cease exist, a world where equality is equal for all. II Personal I remember being in middle school and always seeing that one homosexual kid who everyone made fun of. Back then I didn’t know better, I mean middle school is all about trying to fit in and be popular, had I gone out of my way to be friends with this kid, that would have affected me just as much as him. You act the way you act because that’s the way everyone around you is acting and if you don’t than suddenly you’re the one outside the group, the outcast you could say. Reflecting back on everything that I said and did makes me feel this sort of disgust and shame. Doing all this research I kept thinking to myself how does one judge another by their gender or their sexuality, how can one do that, but then when it comes down to it, how does one not judge? It’s human nature to judge one another, when you judge someone else your simply judging yourself. I also remember in high school being on the soccer team, and there was this one girl who was a lot more masculine than the rest of the girls so she practiced with us. We were that group of kids that made her life hell, we would make sure she knew that she was not part of the circle, that she was different, but thinking back I didn’t do it to be mean, I simply did it because every one else was doing it so it felt normal you could say. This paper made me realize that unless you actually stop and think about it sometimes you wont even realize that you’re being gender bias or discriminating someone by his or her appearance. This research on gender bias and sexuality didn’t just open my eyes to what really occurs in this world. I feel like most of us go on living our life without even thinking what goes on out there. Unless it involves us in a certain way we wouldn’t really know of the inequality that still occurs to this day. We as a whole judge others because they are different than us, they become outcasts merely because they don’t have the same views as us or they look different then the rest. I can now say this will always be in the back of my head. I don’t want to discriminate anyone because of their gender so by remembering how easily it is to over see one self-being gender bias, I will hopefully be able to avoid any future occurrences with this problem. We are becoming more accepting as time progresses, maybe some day in the future their will be no gender bias for we will see that we are all one of the same. References David J. Maume. Gender Differences in Restricting Work Efforts Because of Family Responsibilities. Journal of Marriage and Family , Vol. 68, No. 4 (Nov. , 2006), pp. 859-869 Gerouki, M. (2010). The boy who was drawing princesses: primary teachers’ accounts of children’s non-conforming behaviours. Sex Education, 10(4), 335- 348. Hans Van Druten, Frits Van Griensven and Jan Hendriks. The Journal of Sex Research , Vol. 29, No. 4 (Nov. , 1992), pp. 477-499 Hyun Sung, L. , & Johnson, M. (2001). Korean social work student’s attitudes toward homosexuals. Journal Of Social Work Education, 37(3), 545-554. Nadler, J. T. , & Stockdale, M. S. (2012). Workplace Gender Bias: Not Just Between Strangers. North American Journal Of Psychology, 14(2), 281-291. Nathanael Lauster and Adam Easterbrook. No Room for New Families? A Field Experiment Measuring Rental Discrimination against Same-Sex Couples and Single Parents. Social Problems , Vol. 58, No. 3 (August 2011), pp. 389-409
Friday, January 10, 2020
Identify and assess the significance of three factors that contributed to American westward movement Essay
This could be dismissed as ‘the grass is always greener’. There were however a number of factors involved. These included the search for precious metal, the possibility of obtaining land and the expansion of the railways. Although usually described as a move west, it was to some extent also a move south as in the case of those seeking gold and silver in Californian mines as a result of the accidental finding of gold by James Marshall in 1848 as described by Steve Weigand on the web page ‘The California Gold Rush, an era remembered. Land was seen as a form of wealth and the majority of those who migrated to America did so in the hope of obtaining land to farm. Under British rule Europeans had been restricted in their settlement to the area east of the Appalachians, but after the Revolutionary War this inhibition was removed and so people streamed south and west. Later, with the coming of the railways, markets in the north could be served from further west. This allowed the great expansion of cities such as New York and Chicago. see more:which was a factor that led to the scientific revolution In the years immediately before the American Civil War in the 1860’s the railways had built up into quite a network serving the eastern states, but afterwards they gradually spread over the rest of the country. This meant that people no longer had to spend many weeks of hardship in order to reach their destination and so the tiny townships already established by earlier settlers were quickly expanded new comers seeking for themselves and their families a better life. The Irish potato famine of the 1840’s as described on the History Place web page, ‘The Blight Begins’ led to many immigrants from that country, the majority would not have been city folk, so it is perhaps natural that some migrated to the western states where they saw at least some hope for their future, just like all the other migrants.
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